Page 57 of WTF

“You didn’t tell anyone about me.”

The words were like a pair of scissors snapping all of that in half. But instead of making less to feel, to want, and to fight, it doubled it.

Surprised, I spun, drawn inexplicably to the red splotches on his cheeks. “What?”

“You didn’t mention me at all.” He glanced up for only a split second, but it was long enough to see how hurt fractured his pale eyes. “When you told me no one knew about you being bi, I thought maybe it was because you were afraid to come out. Afraid no one would accept you.” His jaw ticked, and this time when his eyes met mine, they were angry. “But then I came here. I met your brothers.They’re together.” He said it like an accusation. Like me not telling him was some kind of personal affront.

“And?” I prompted.

“No one cares. I literally just told them all I was gay, and no one batted an eye.”

“You told everyone you’re gay?” I said, suddenly feeling some kind of way.

He ignored the question just like I ignored my feelings and gestured between us with his hand. “So you not telling them about you—about me—isnotbecause you thought they wouldn’t accept you. I’d say maybe it’s because you don’t accept yourself, but I know you too well to believe that.” He paused. Dragged in a shaky breath. “That leaves me.”

My back stiffened. “Lars.”

“That means there is something about me you’re embarrassed of. Something I must lack. I guess I was good enough to fuck, but—”

“Stop,” I growled, diminishing the distance between us to grab his shoulders and drag him forward. “Don’t say that.”

His eyelashes were not dark but sandy blond. They fluttered as they lifted, creating a gentle frame for his transparent blue eyes. The kind of transparent that made it easy to see his confusion. His hurt.

“I don’t understand,” he whispered, searching my face as if he could find the truth. “If you wanted to keep me as a dirty secret, then why did you do that downstairs? Why carry an EpiPen in your bag? Why kiss me in the locker room?” His voice turned smaller. Vulnerability I knew he harbored but never allowed anyone to see introduced itself in his pleading stare. “Could you just tell me, Win? Tell me what I lack… Tell me why I’m never enough.”

He thinks he’s not enough.

The sound of my heart cracking echoed up my throat, escaping into the air. Suddenly, all my pain took a back seat to his, and I crushed us together, claiming his mouth in a burning kiss. We surrendered as emotion erupted like a volcano, the hot lava of desire melting away all resistance. Palming his waist, I lifted, and his legs locked around mine. His thighs gripped me tight while his hands roamed my upper body, touching everything he could reach.

I kissed him until my lungs were on the verge of collapse and I had no choice but to rip away. When I did, his face dropped into the side of my neck, sucking all the way down and across my collarbone to nip my shoulder.

Grabbing a fistful of his hair, I yanked his head back, descending upon him again. His mouth was wet and eager, the warmth of his breath like a caress. Using my shoulders, he levered himself up, chaining his arms around my neck and rocking his swollen dick against my stomach.

I fumbled with the hem of his shirt, yanking it away so I could get to skin, only to be stopped by the waistband of his jeans when I tried to palm his ass. Incensed, I tossed him in the center of the bed, his gasp spiraling straight to my groin when he bounced and looked up with glassy eyes and swollen hot-pink lips.

My knee hit the bed, and I grabbed his ankle, towing him down the mattress to reach for the button on his jeans. Despite the hammering of my pulse, the urgent need in my pants, I paused. “You gonna deny me, angel?” I rasped, still fingering the clasp.

His dick jumped up, nudging my waiting hand, straining against the fabric, and begging for my touch.

“You want me?” he whispered, bright hair a mess from my hands.

“I want you so bad I can’t even think straight.”

His hand pushed mine away to open the waistband of his jeans himself. Groaning, I ripped the clothes from his body, finally freeing his gorgeous, thick cock.

“I missed you,” I half groaned, burying my nose in the light-blond curls at the apex of his body, nuzzling as I breathed deep while my heart wept like it had been homesick for far too long.

He moved restlessly, and I kissed up his faint happy trail, circling around his belly button before dipping in for a taste. He thrust again, just as impatient as I remembered, and a fond chuckle warmed my throat.

“Win,” he begged. “Touch me.”

I swelled with possession and the heady feeling of being needed. I’d never minded his impatience, especially when his impatience was for me. Anchoring one hand beside him, I held my entire body so I could sweep my eyes down his. His dick was already so hard the foreskin retracted, revealing a glistening deep-pink head.

Whimpering, he spread his thighs to make room for me between them, a place I hurried to fill. I shoved down my sweats, my own stiff dick springing out and standing off my body.

Lars was smaller than me, but he was strong and muscular, so I gave no second thought to blanketing his body with mine, surrendering my weight completely.

Our moans mixed at the first brush of skin on skin. For one blissful moment, we both just lay there, our bare bodies touching from chest to thigh. But the fire in my veins couldn’t keep me still, and I thrust against him, our cocks slotting together. He was hot and hard, his skin like velvet as we drove our dicks together, settling into a rhythm that made us both pant.