Page 45 of WTF

“I can make coffee,” Wes offered. “You want some?”

I nodded once. “That’d actually be great.”

Wes started to turn, but Max caught his arm. “Wait. Me and Wes are together. In every way. You got a problem with that?” Max challenged me.

“We aren’t blood-related,” Wes quickly put in, far less challenge in his voice. “Me, Win, and Max grew up together.”

“You were nervous to tell me,” I said to Wes.

Max’s eyes narrowed, and his arm looped around Wes’s waist to pull him into his side.

Extremely protective,I noted. Then,Wes is lucky.

“Yeah. I’ve had issues in the past with, ah, acceptance,” Wes said, cautious.

“We accept you, bro!” Jamie yelled.

“All of Elite has your back,” Ryan intoned, and I couldn’t help but feel like that was an unspoken warning to me as well as support for Wes.

“I’m gay,” I told the entire room.

It seemed to take a moment for the declaration to register, but when it did, Wes’s mouth dropped open. “You’re gay?”

“All my life,” I said, turning around so I could look at the four guys on the couch. “So hopefully Elite will have my back too.”

“Bro, we like the fruity folk here!” Jamie announced.

“Fruity folk?” I echoed, completely confused.

“Ignore him. He’s an idiot with bad jokes,” Max said.

That was a joke?

Ryan stood and walked to my side. “Elite has your back. If anyone gives you any trouble, you can come to me. To any of us.”

“Thanks,” I said, oddly moved that they accepted me so easily.

“I do need to know one thing, though,” Ryan said, the seriousness of his tone making me apprehensive.

I knew it was too easy.

“What?” I asked, bracing myself for the worst.

“What do you want on your pizza?” he said, holding up his phone. “Jamie isn’t the only one starving.”

Relief made me smile. “Ah, just get whatever.”

“Anyone else want coffee?” Wes called on his way to what I assumed was the kitchen.

Most everyone said no, and Wes gestured for me to follow him. Before I did, I glanced back at Max who was still watching me.

I half smiled. “Win didn’t tell you I was gay?”


I arched an eyebrow, trying to give him the same look he’d given me before. “You got a problem with it?”

His lips twitched in the hint of a smile. “I don’t have a problem if you don’t.”