Page 5 of WTF

I felt like I was being assessed, and the results weren’t good. Time to turn up the charm.

Kicking up my lips, I leaned down to snatch the sign out of his limp hold. I pointed to my last name scrawled on it and then turned my finger to myself. “Win Sinclair. I’m the exchange student spending the semester at Linska. Are you my buddy?”

Finally, I got a response. In Swedish.

I laughed beneath my breath and held out my arms. “I’m sorry, bro. My Swedish is severely lacking. English?”

He said something else that was not in English.

“Ooo-kay,” I drawled. “No worries.” Fishing out my phone, I called up the translation app I’d downloaded before I left home.

Handy, right?

Smiling blindly, I told him, “Watch this,” then spoke into the phone and hit a button. What I said was repeated back over the speaker in what I hoped was Swedish.

“Are you my ride to the institute?”

Those unreal eyes shifted between the phone I held out and me for a second before he nodded once.“Ja.”

“Hope that means you aren’t going to drive me somewhere weird and drop me off,” I said, grasping my suitcase. “Pretty cool app, am I right?”

His eyes rolled, and he started off, disappearing out the large glass doors.

I followed along behind him, definitely not noticing the way his dark jeans hugged his long legs or his pale fingers grasped the hood lying at his neck to tug it over his head, hiding that blond hair.

The sidewalk was covered, the rain still falling in heavy sheets, blasting the roof overhead. Blue eyes walked down the sidewalk, far enough that the roof ran out. He clicked the remote in his hand, and the taillights on a small black car lit up.

He glanced briefly over his shoulder, spearing me with a single eye before jogging around the hood of the car and disappearing into the driver’s seat. Thank God, they drove on the same side of the road as Americans. How weird would it be if they didn’t?

“Guess he won’t be helping me with my bags,” I muttered, wincing as I stepped into the rain, my T-shirt instantly plastering itself to my shoulders.

Almost as if he read my mind, he popped the trunk. The rain felt like icy pellets as I hurried to jam it all in the trunk and then run around to the passenger seat and throw myself inside.

The second I was there, I leaned over the console and shook myself like a wet dog. My uncombed dark hair flung all the water it had just collected.

“Jävlar!” Blue eyes shouted, reaching over to shove my head away.

I cackled. “Oooh, I just learned my first Swedish curse word, didn’t I?”

He glared.

“Jävlar,” I said, trying it out. “Should I ask my app what it means?” I mused, leaning over the console once more. “Would I be shocked? What kind of debauchery lies behind those angel eyes?”

He sucked in a breath, the sound very distinct.

Almost as if… “You understand what I’m saying, don’t you?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

Ignoring me completely, he turned toward the windshield to check the traffic.

“You got Uber here?” I asked, thumbing at the window. “I can just get an Uber.”

He pulled away from the curb, merging into traffic at the same time he flipped on the windshield wipers.

I sat back in the passenger seat, then lifted my phone, the sound of the camera snapping a picture fighting with the noise of the rain.

He glanced over at me, alarmed.

“I’m texting this photo to my brothers. If I go missing, they’ll come for you.”