Page 21 of WTF

Smiling, she took a step closer, which was my cue to leave.

“Gotta go,” I said, taking a step back. “Places to be.”

“Will I see you at any parties this weekend?” Sara asked, pursing her lips like she was pouting a bit. I didn’t like pouty.

I grinned, my feet upping their pace. “You just never know where I might turn up,” I said with a wink, quickly turning away before she could ask anything else.

“If I had half the game you did, I’d already be halfway to my dorm with her,” Peter muttered.

“Been there, done that,” I quipped.

“Again, I wonder why you don’t just get yourself a hot tutor for lab.”

“An entire semester is just too much commitment for all that.”

Peter laughed. “Ah, I get it. You want to keep your options open.”

I snickered. “Something like that.”

“Hey, you hear we have a new student in the program this semester?” Peter asked as we headed into one of the main buildings on campus. In it was the campus bookstore, a small café, and the student lounge. The entire upper level was the campus eatery, which was sort of laid out like a food court.

My stomach growled aggressively the second all the food scents hit my senses, and I had to actively ignore them to stay focused on the conversation. “Don’t we have new students every semester?” I asked, tossing the coffee that had gone cold into a nearby trash bin.

“Usually not in the second semester. And usually not from another country.”

Any lingering thoughts I had about food and fresh coffee were forgotten, and I glanced around at him. “We have an exchange student this semester?”

“Seems like it. I thought you’d maybe know since you basically did the same thing last semester.”

Westbrook was a sizable campus with a lot of different degrees being offered. However, the sports medicine department wasn’t huge. We all saw each other in our little section of campus, and faces became familiar. I’d say it was likely the same for every department, each one becoming a community of sorts. And even though exchange students weren’t anything new, they really weren’t that common. I was the only one in our entire department last semester, and news of that spread like wildfire. People thought I was insane to leave such a cushy, monied campus like Westbrook for a place where I couldn’t even speak the language. A place where I was known as the golden boy of our department. Where I had it easy.

Appearances could be deceiving, but I didn’t bother to point that out. I let people think what they wanted. My reasons were my own.

So in that sense, it really wasn’t a surprise that news of an exchange student was getting around.

“Where are they from?” I asked as my brain immediately supplied flashes of pale-blond hair and arctic-blue eyes.

Do not go there.

Peter shrugged. “No clue. Was hoping you did.”

“It’s the crack of dawn on the first day of the new semester. I haven’t heard anything.”

“Losing your touch,” Peter goaded.

I flipped him off. “And to think I just did you a solid by introducing you to three ladies.”

Peter laughed. “Well, knowing you, it will be some hot chick, and you’ll have her number by the end of the day.”

“Thought you said I was losing my touch.”

“Golden boy Win Sinclair? Never.”

I laughed. “Whatever. I’ll see you later.” I lifted my hand and started toward the café so I could get fresh coffee before a meeting my adviser requested.

Stepping in line for the café, I blew out a breath. My stomach felt tight but fluttery at the same time, a sensation I did not enjoy. Even though I tried like hell, my thoughts kept circling back to the new exchange student. It could be anyone from anywhere.

It most definitely was not him.