Page 16 of WTF

He flushed. He was all white, pink, and icy blue. A combination that I could probably make my entire personality if I let it.

No. No letting. He’s your roommate, not a one-night stand.

One night with him would never be enough.

That thought was like a slap in the face with a cold hand. I jerked upright and spun toward my stuff. Teasing him was fun… until it wasn’t.

Hands full, I moved toward the bedrooms, but he was still standing in the archway, blocking my path.

I stared down at him, waiting for him to get the idea and move.

Surprisingly, he didn’t move right away. Instead, his chin tipped back, and I was looking down at wide, high cheekbones and those fucking piercing eyes.

Look away, Win. Look the fuck away.

I didn’t look away.

“Thank you,” he said, still just as mumbly as before, but this time I was so close I heard him loud and clear.

“For what?”

“For scaring him off.”

My heart pinched, the little nick leaving a much larger bruise I would probably still feel tomorrow. “You’re welcome, angel,” I replied, my voice just as low and mumbly as his had been.

He jolted and scurried off into his bedroom, practically slamming the door in my face. “Don’t call me that!”

“Be quiet!” I hollered at the wood, letting him know he broke one of his own rules.

He let out a muffled string of Swedish, none of which I understood, but I knew it was probably horrible insults all directed at me.

I smiled anyway.




I can’t believeI’m doing this.

Correction. I already did it. It’s done. There’s no going back.

There’s nothing to go back to.


Here we go.

Overwhelmed was an understatement for the way everything beneath my skin vibrated uncomfortably as my head fogged with useless yet persistent thoughts. It didn’t matter how many times I shook them off. They reappeared, making it feel as though I were existing in a weird hazy state.

Operating in a state of survival mode was something my body knew well, but it didn’t matter there was no getting used to it. Pulling in a deep breath, my chest expanded with my lungs, slowly deflating as I exhaled through my nose.

“You okay?” the guy on my left asked. “You look like you walked in here by accident and someone jammed some Speedos in your arms and you were afraid to argue.”

I snorted. “I’m not afraid to argue.”

“So you are supposed to be here?”