Page 143 of WTF

“No more pictures, needles, or exams,” I told him. “I’m tired.”

“How about coffee?” Wes suggested.

I popped up from Win’s chest to stare hopefully over his shoulder.

Win laughed under his breath. “You and your damn coffee.”

“I could use afikaright about now.”

“I’m not sure what that is.” Madison chimed in as she and Rory followed Wes into the room. “But we have caramel.”

Rory held up a paper cup with a black lid like it was some kind of holy object. “It’s tradition.”

“Caramel coffee is a tradition?” I asked.

“It’s more of a trauma response,” Jamie informed as he, Ryan, Max, Kruger, and Prism paraded inside behind Wes and the girls.

“I hate caramel lattes,” Ryan muttered.

Max grunted, which I took to mean he hated them too.

“All of you are here,” I said, a little shell-shocked they would all just show up. Win had called Max on his way to the airport, but I had no idea when they called the others.

“It’s an Elite fam emergency,” Ryan replied as though it were obvious.

“And caramel lattes are sort of our thing for emergencies. Holding something hot is calming, and the sugar from the caramel helps with the adrenaline crash,” Wes explained as Rory carried the cup over to extend it.

Win pulled back enough so I could reach out and take the offered drink.

“I made certain it’s allergy friendly.” Her gray eyes cut to Win. “I promise.”

“Thanks, shrimp,” Win told her, ruffling her orange hair.

She smiled sweetly. “We got you a latte too, but I think I’ll just let Jamie drink it.”

“Take pity on me. I’m delirious from the stitches,” he said, lifting the ugly hospital gown to reveal the large bandage.

Madison pushed a cup identical to the one I was holding under his nose, and he beamed. “Sugar with a side of coffee. Just how I like it.”

Around all his inhuman slurping noises, Rory asked, “So what’sfika?”

Goose bumps covered my arms, the warm cup in my hands reminding me just how cold I felt. “Fikais a coffee break we have in Sweden every day,” I explained. “And thank you for this.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, moving to stand beside Ryan.

“Bros,” Win announced. “They legit pause everything for like an hour or two every single day so people can drink coffee, eat pastries, and socialize.” Clearly, he was still amazed by this.

“Well, Americans are barbaric and never take a break,” I muttered, taking a sip of the hot latte. It was overly sweet. Almost undrinkable. But the heat was so nice, and the liquid soothed my swollen throat.

Win glanced at me, his eyes shining with something that looked a lot like pride. Not sure what he had to be proud of. I was a whole disaster. Eyeing him suspiciously, I took another sip.

Leaning in, his lips grazed my ear. “I love it when you sass me.”

“No shit?” Jamie asked. “You all get a snack break on the daily?” He shook his head sadly. “We’re living our lives wrong.”

“You don’t need a snack break because you never stop eating,” Madison informed her boyfriend.

“You’re my favorite snack, Maddie baby,” he told her, towing her close.