Page 130 of WTF

No, he didn’t. He would never do that to me.

Rush’s voice was flat. “You didn’t know.”

“Does it look like I fucking know?”

Rush cursed and straightened from the wall. “I knew something was weird last night.”

“What happened last night?” I said, grabbing the words as though I could wring out every meaning in them.

“He told me he wasn’t staying in the room. But when I got home later, he was there, in bed.”

“Did he say something?” I questioned, mind spinning. “Did he look okay?”

Please tell me he’s okay.

Rush shook his head. “He was sleeping. Buried under the covers. Might not have noticed him if it wasn’t for his bright hair.”

“Don’t you fucking look at his hair!” I snarled.

“Look, I came to you, okay? I thought you needed to know.”

“Then fucking spit it out!” I yelled.

His eyes narrowed. “Did you guys fight? You do something to him?”

I laughed. It was humorless and dull. “I would never hurt him. I love him.”

Rush stared at me a second longer, then nodded. “I believe you.”

I made a hurry-up gesture with my hand, glancing at my phone, hoping for a text back. There wasn’t one.

“A suitcase and a bag were sitting by his bed,” Rush said.

I nearly dropped to my knees. “W-what?”

“I didn’t really think much of it. Thought maybe he was just moving shit around. But then I heard his alarm this morning. It went off earlier than usual. He got up, grabbed the bags, and left.”

“You didn’t say anything?” I demanded.

“Wasn’t sure what to say.”

I made a frustrated noise, ripping at my hair again.

“Do you think it could have something to do with his brother?”

I paused. “His brother?”

“Yeah. His brother came by the dorm yesterday. Said he flew in to surprise him, but maybe there was a family emergency. He had a picture of them together and spoke Swedish. I let him in the room.” Rush shrugged. “Told Lars about it when I saw him.” His brow furrowed. “He seemed a little… surprised. But then he said it was okay.”

My mouth was dry, so dry the words felt like chalk on my tongue. “Lars doesn’t have a brother.”

Rush looked shocked. “Then who the fuck was that?”

Nobody good.

I had a horrible flashback to the first day I saw him here, the day I dragged him into this very locker room and asked him why the hell he was here. I’d been so sure it was because of me. He denied it. So I asked him again.

None of your business.That’s what he’d said.