Page 94 of WTF

He patted my cheeks and pulled back, him and Kruger starting to dance.

They were terrible dancers.

“C’mon, bro!” Kruger said, shoving at my shoulder.

I stumbled back, bumping into someone, and an arm looped around my waist.

“Hey, wanna dance?” a voice rumbled in my ear.

I nearly jumped out of my shoes, ripping away from the unknown body and voice. Spinning, I looked at the tall, dark-haired guy I’d just collided with.

He reached for me again, and I slapped his hand away. “No.”

He shrugged and melted back into the crowd. I blew out a breath and turned back to my friends who were still dancing horribly.

It was so horrible I actually smiled.

“C’mon, L!” Kruger yelled.

My chest tugged, a feeling I’d grown familiar with, and I turned, seeing Win shouldering through the dancing people, eyes locked on me.

Anger lit me up inside, mixing with the vodka. Whatever he saw in my eyes made him pause, and I got a little high off that power. I shook my head at him, silently telling him no. His eyes narrowed, and his teeth sank into his lower lip and tugged.

I glanced off to the side again, catching a glimpse of the guy who’d tried to dance with me before. One subtle nod was all it took, and he was back, arm snaking around my waist once more.

Win’s eyes widened, his jaw turning to granite.

I tasted the jealousy he seethed with, discovering I liked any flavor at all that was his. Satisfaction rolled through me, knowing I had the power to make him bleed just as he had done to me. Skewering him with my stare, I started to move with the body pressing against mine, dropping my hand onto the arm holding me.

Win’s upper lip curled, and he took a step forward, and I shook my head again before turning away from him completely and trying not to wince when the guy I was dancing with palmed my hips.

I withstood it for as long as I could, our bodies bumping under the neon light until my heart felt like it might explode. Glancing over my shoulder, I anticipated the look on Win’s face as I continued to dance with another.

But all I got was another bleeding cut because he wasn’t even there.



Maybe I deserved it.

Okay. I did.

Which was why I melted into the crowd when he shook his head no. He wanted me to suffer for the pain I knew I caused him? He wanted to inflict some of his own?

I’d endure it. I’d endure anything for him. Because seeing my white-haired angel in the arms of someone who was not me?

The final nail in my coffin. A coffin I was already lying in, dead.

I couldn’t do it.

I wouldn’t.

He was mine, and I didn’t share.

Still, I’d give him this. I’d stand in this crowd, hidden and seething, as he danced with someone to whom he did not belong. I’d let my nails dig crescent shapes into my palms as I clenched my hands in frustration. If Lars wanted me to marinate in jealousy, then I’d be a steak.

I’d take the punishment and pain I deserved, but I would do so while keeping a watchful eye on the only person who would ever be worth suffering for.