Page 71 of WTF

“C’mon, roomie,” Rush said, appearing at my side, dropping an arm across my shoulder. “I’ll give you a ride back to the dorm so you can make your life’s blood.”

“He’syour roommate?”

I stilled under the weight of Rush’s arm. Win stood not far away, staring between me and Rush as if the sight disgusted him.

“The one and only,” Rush said, not at all reading the vibe Win was throwing off. It felt a lot like the vibe I was feeling when I saw him rubbing his hands all over Ryan earlier and hearing what a player he was around here.

“Why didn’t you tell me that?” Win demanded.

I stepped out from beneath Rush’s arm, meeting his hard stare head on. “Why would I?”

“No.” Win’s voice was flat. “You can’t room with him. You—”

“Excuse me, but who are you?” Rush butted in. “You’re the intern, right?”

“Win. And I’m a student here. Sports med. I’m also Wes’s brother.”

“And why do you care who rooms with Lars?”

I nearly held my breath waiting for that reply. Hoping for words I had no business hoping for. Instead, Win’s lips pressed together, and he said nothing.

Rush made a sound. “Exactly. Come on, Lars. Let’s go.”

“I can walk,” I told him.

“We’re going to the same place, and it’s fucking frigid out here. Now get your Swedish ass in the car.”

Win was still standing in the center of the parking lot when I glanced in the sideview mirror as we drove away.



I couldn’t helpbut think about—no, be tortured by—something I once said to Max when I thought he was being stupid about Wes.

If you won’t give him the happiness he needs, let him find it somewhere else.

First of all, I was a dick.

Second, hell no, I’m not apologizing.

Butfuuuck.The thought of anyone else touching Lars, making him smile, feeding his coffee addiction, made me want to fucking kill.

He got in that asshole’s Corvette. The dude flashed his dick for everyone to see and then drove off with what was mine.

Except he wasn’t.

I made that choice.

As I stood there in the howling winter wind, staring at the space they’d driven away from, I knew I had no right to the jealousy inside me. I had no right at all to that white-haired, blue-eyed angel.

Just because I was a self-proclaimed bachelor who would never let anyone close didn’t mean he would be.



The first meetof the semester—my first as Elite—dawned, and I lay wallowing in bed when I first heard the sound.