Page 43 of WTF

“Well, you just said you wanted the ass of a skunk. Figured this was comparable.”

Jamie flipped him off. “Prism, maybe you should order.”

Prism said nothing, and Kruger nudged him with his foot. Realizing he was in the hot seat, Prism pulled one of the AirPods out of his ear. “Huh?”

“Is this how you always get out of paying?” Jamie wondered. “Acting like you can’t hear us.”

“To be fair, you don’t usually say a lot worth listening to,” Prism deadpanned.

Ryan laughed. “Burrrn.”

Jamie shook his head. “I thought we were bros.”

“You’re my ride or die, J. How’s a meat lover’s? Extra meat.”

Jamie brightened. “I’m gonna tell camera girl you like me better.”

Camera girl?

“Rory,” Wes leaned over to whisper.

Ah, the girlfriend.

“What’s everyone else want?” Ryan asked the room.

Prism and Kruger wanted pepperoni. Wes also wanted meat lover’s. When all eyes in the room turned to me, my stomach cramped. Suddenly, I remembered one of the reasons I hadn’t tried much to make friends in the past year. I hated this part.

The part where I had to let people get to know me. The part where people usually made me feel like shit for being me.

“What do you like on your pizza, Lars?” Ryan asked.


A door across the room opened, and everyone’s attention turned to the person stepping through behind me. My entire body stiffened, anticipating Win. I should have asked Wes if he lived with his brother, but I hadn’t wanted to bring him up.

Everyone was clearly curious about what went down when Win dragged me into the locker room. When he’d come out, he’d been all easygoing and smiles, but it was harder for me. Harder to pretend everything was fine when it wasn’t.

Another reason I needed to not be here right now.

Whole body prickling, I waited with bated breath to hear someone call out his name.

“Nemo,” a voice I did not know called.

Wes popped off the couch. I was torn between turning to see who was there and the way Wes’s face lit up.

Noticing the attention, Wes glanced at me then away on his way past. “Maxi,” he replied, making the newcomer groan beneath his breath.

I turned, eyes latching on to a shirtless, sweaty, dark-haired man who was covered in tattoos. His upper body was defined with muscle, his lower half in nothing but black sweats and a pair of sneakers.

Without any hesitation at all, he grabbed Wes at the waist, towing him into his damp body, and lowered his head. They kissed right there in the middle of the room, and I couldn’t tear my eyes off the way Wes melted into him while tilting his face up for more. When he tried to pull away, Max made a rude sound, shoving his fingers into Wes’s hair and holding his head until he was done.

When he had his fill, he pulled back, eyes crinkling at the corners as they swept over Wes’s face and ruffled the curls on his head. “Why aren’t you at Shirley’s?” he asked.

“We’re ordering pizza,” Wes answered.

“Can’t be divulging Elite business in the middle of the diner,” Jamie quipped, not even hiding the fact he was listening to their conversation.

Max lifted his face, finally looking at everyone else in the room. “Bros.” His eyes landed to me, and I squirmed a little under his piercing black gaze.