Page 40 of WTF

Relief made me sniffle. “I didn’t know. You didn’t tell me.”

His lips moved, but nothing came out.

I shook my head. “Don’t talk. Just breathe.”

His eyes fluttered closed once more.

“I can help you,” the neighbor said, reaching down toward Lars.

I snarled, whipping around to grab his forearm, and shoved him back so hard he stumbled, falling into the table. “Do. Not. Touch. Him.” I threatened.

He held up his hands in surrender, eyes wide and freaked.

“We’ll just wait over here till help arrives,” the other neighbor said, pulling his roommate away from us.

I put my back to them, returning to Lars, laying a hand against his flaming cheek.

“Help’s coming.” I promised and then used my body like a shield until they arrived.

* * *

“One more.”I grunted, arms quivering like they might give out.

“I think you’re done.” Max disagreed from above.

“One more!” I insisted, breath blowing out in puffs.

“All right. Go.” Max conceded, widening his stance at the top of the weight bench while holding out his hands, spotting me like I was some granny and might fall.

I wasn’t going to drop this weight set. I didn’t care how hard it was. My muscles vibrated, the burn the only thing I could feel as I struggled to push the bar up, one side dropping lower than the other.

Max went to catch it, but I made a noise, and he backed off. Using the last of my reserves, I punched the weighted bar up and dropped it on its stand.

My whole body collapsed, arms freefalling to the floor as sweat dripped down the sides of my face. Blowing out a breath, I laughed a little because I did it.

“Asshole,” Max muttered.

I grinned, and sweat dripped onto my teeth. “Told you I could do it.”

“Almost smashed your face in,” he retorted. “I’m not explaining that shit to Wes.”

I gave him the finger. “You’re just worried I’m gonna outlift you soon.”

“You wish.”

My body was still trembling when I sat up and used the hem of my T-shirt to mop up my face. The veins in my forearms were popping from the intense training session, and my biceps had a nice pump.

“What’s with you?” Max asked, grabbing a set of dumbbells so he could do his final set of squats.

“Can’t a guy just work out with his best friend?” I asked. In truth, Max was more than just my best friend. He was my brother, my family. He had been since we sat next to each other in kindergarten, and nothing would ever change it. Not even when he started dating Wes.

He made a face and continued his set without replying. I got up to grab my water and wait.

When he was done, he put the weights down and glanced at me. “That was not a workout, Win. That was you punishing yourself. What’s the deal?”


“You have issues on campus already? You know I have your back.”