Page 154 of WTF

Lars nodded. “Yeah, okay.”

I walked Rush to the door, and when he was partway out I said, “Thanks for backing him up with the cops.”

“I might have embellished a little. The room wasn’t really a mess. And he was pretty buried under the covers. I actually didn’t see much.” Rush shrugged. “But it’s the least I can do.”

I nodded. “I know I already said I owe you, and I won’t forget.”

“I’m just glad he’s okay.”

Hitching my chin, I said, “You’re welcome at our place anytime. See you around.”

Rush nodded and then left. Finally, we were alone.

“Do you think they’ll find him?” Lars asked, and I couldn’t even blame him for the doubt in his tone.

“How long has he been doing this to you, angel?” I wanted to know. No. I didn’t want to know. Ihadto.

Lars’s gaze skirted away, and I made a sound, drawing it back. Moving across the room, I gently climbed into the bed with him, tucking my arm between his back and the mattress while doing my best to avoid his many injuries. Using a finger, I brushed a droopy lock of platinum hair off his forehead. “We got to adjust that halo, angel. It’s crooked.”

“We both know I’m not an angel.”

“You better hush that mouth,” I told him. “If you aren’t an angel, then they don’t exist.”

“Dum,” Lars mumbled, but I knew he was charmed. Who wouldn’t be?

I scoffed. “That’s the laziest insult you’ve ever used on me.”

“I’m tired.”

I made a sympathetic sound. “I know, baby. You must be exhausted.”

“We met in high school. I dated him for two years and finally worked up enough courage to break up with him a few months before you came to Sweden.”

I stared at the wall across the room, trying to digest it all. “He’s been stalking you for oversixmonths?”

Fuck digestion. This shit was giving me chronic acid reflux.

“Well, yeah, but it wasn’t so bad when you were there.”

I groaned. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have protected you better. I wouldn’t have left like that.”

An almost angry noise vibrated his throat. “Because I’m not your responsibility. I’m not your job. You made it clear we were justroomies with benefitsand nothing more.”

“But you wanted more,” I said, still simmering with rage at myself.

“Maybe, but I wasn’t about to make you stay in a situation you didn’t want. I know what it's like to feel trapped.”

“That’s different!”

“Is it, though? Emotional manipulation sometimes hurts worse than physical violence.”

I groaned. “I hate that you know that.”

“I came here because you were the last place I felt safe. The last place I felt strong. It was selfish of me to crash your life. I realized that too late.”

“You arenotselfish.”

“And then when you said you wanted to be together, when you said you loved me, I was so fucking happy.” Lars lifted his chin, his pale-blue irises delivering that familiar electric jolt right to my heart. “But then he started showing up. Folding my shirts—”