Page 10 of Anti-Valentine

“Good, because you don’t wanna catch a cold. You can borrow my scarf for the walk home.”

Thankfully, he let go of me, picking up his fork, and I was able to form sentences again. “You know that catching a cold from cold weather is a myth, right?”

“What about pneumonia?”

I shrugged. “I don’t actually know how you catch that. What about bronchitis?”

Ander’s attention was caught by someone behind me, and he lifted his hand in greeting. I twisted in my seat to see JJ bounding towards us, a red knitted hat pulled low on his head and a matching chunky scarf wrapped around his neck and the lower part of his face, just leaving his eyes showing, framed by his glasses.

“I don’t know about bronchitis,” Ander said as JJ reached us, and JJ raised a brow, unravelling his scarf and sinking into one of the two free seats.

“Am I interrupting something? Because if you need a medical opinion, I know nothing. My suggestion is go to the doctor.”

His words triggered a memory…brown hair and a smile…the invitation to Revolve…Dr. Wilder snapping at us…

“Not Dr. Wilder.”

I didn’t realise I’d spoken aloud until Ander’s lips kicked up at the corners.

“E, he’s not a medical doctor. He’s got a PhD in assholery.”

“He’s actually got a PhD in…” I thought for a minute. “Something businessy.”

“Also, assholery.” Leaning back in his chair, Ander folded his arms across his impressive chest. “That man is a fucking bellend.”

“Well, yeah.” I couldn’t disagree.

“Who’s this?” JJ’s gaze flicked between us, sharp and interested, like a shark smelling blood in the water.

“No one. Just one of our lecturers. He’s probably, what? Thirty? Thirty-two, maybe? Something like that. But he acts like he’s some fucking all-knowing ancient being.” Ander was dramatic as always, but again, I couldn’t disagree.

“Oh, yeah. I’ve heard you both complaining about him before. But you’re studying business. You should’ve picked drama or music if you wanted a lecturer who actually cared about more than ticking boxes.” JJ reached out and grabbed my Coke Zero, taking a sip. “Let’s change the subject to something less boring. What are we wearing to Thirst Trap Thursday?”

“You’re coming?”

Placing my drink back down in front of me, he nodded. “Yeah, Preston invited me, and—” He cut himself off with a small shake of his head.

“It’s okay. Elliot knows what’s going on. I wouldn’t keep anything from him.” Ander gave him a reassuring look and then turned to me. “I was there when Preston invited JJ, and I invited myself. So I’ll be there.”

His words fell heavily between us, a ton of lead dropping at my feet.

Ander was going to be at the club.Ander.Who wanted to experiment with other guys.

After the longest silence in the world, I cleared my throat. “Thirst Trap Thursday. Should be a good night.”

“Yeah… Thirst Trap Thursday…” my best friend said slowly.

A reluctant smile crawled across JJ’s face as he met Ander’s eyes. He glanced at me and then back to Ander, who gave an emphatic nod. His shoulders relaxed, and he clasped Ander’s arm briefly before releasing it. “You said you were interested in experimenting with boys, but are you ready to be thrown in the deep end?”

“I’m ready.”

Those two words coming from my best friend’s mouth…they fucking cut me. For so many years—no. I wouldn’t torment myself. My only option was to move on, and I would do everything in my power to ensure it happened.

But the thought of seeing Ander with someone else, after everything that had happened between us over the past week…I knew that when I was faced with it, the cut would be even deeper.


“Stop staring at Elliot, and come with me. I want you to meet some people.”