Page 34 of Anti-Valentine

“Ander, I owe you one.” Mike grinned at Ander. “I had a fucking great weekend. Maya was amazing in bed. Ten out of ten for the recommendation, man. I didn’t know anyone could be that flexible.”

I gripped my coffee cup tightly, ignoring the unwanted sting of jealousy as they spoke about one of the girls who lived next door to Liam and Preston and who I knew for a fact that Ander had slept with at least once.

Ander smirked at him. “Yeah? All I did was show her a photo of you and give her your number.”

“Whatever, I owe you. She kept me satisfied allll weekend. Did you know that your dick can actually get inflamed from too much fucking?”

“Gross, man. We don’t wanna know.” George pulled a face while the rest of us winced at the thought.

“You’re just jealous that I got some and you didn’t.”

“I got some.” Liam’s face was smug, and it made me smile because he’d gone from someone in deep denial about his feelings to someone who dropped Noah into almost all of his conversations. “I had a great weekend. This one was away visiting his boyfriend—” He pointed towards Preston with his thumb. “—Trav was over at Kira’s the whole time, and so was Damon now that he’s seeing Flick, and believe me when I say that me and Noah made the most of having an empty house.”

“Our house would’ve been empty too,” Ander mused, taking a sip of his mocha. “Wonder if JJ decided to make the most of it. I need to have a word with him because if he fucked someone in the communal areas, he’s paying for a professional cleaner.”

“How the fuck did you all end up with empty houses? Ours is so bloody busy we never get any peace,” George muttered.

Ander shrugged. “It just worked out that way. Me and Elliot were away celebrating his cousin’s birthday, Levi was somewhere with Asher for the weekend celebrating…fuck, what was it now? Might’ve been the anniversary of them becoming boyfriends or saying they loved each other, I don’t know. Some romantic boyfriend shit that none of the rest of us needs to know about. And Charlie was also away—think it was his sister’s wedding?”

“Next time you’re all away, let me crash at your place. I’ll pay you.” George put his hands together in a begging motion, and Ander snorted.

“I doubt it’ll happen.”

Preston leaned forwards in his seat. “How was Bournemouth, anyway?”

Ander and I both froze, and Preston’s eyes widened at the aura of panic that I was most definitely telegraphing. He grimaced and then, recovering quickly, said, “Uh, I mean, is it nice? I’ve never been, and I’d like to take Kian away somewhere, maybe after Christmas.”

Collapsing back against the sofa, I hid my face behind my coffee mug as Ander replied, and soon the others were interjecting with their own ideas about where would be a good place to take someone for a weekend away. The topic moved on to what everyone was planning to do for the Christmas break, and what could have been an awkward conversation was forgotten.

I wished that other things could be forgotten just as easily.


“You need to sit this one out. I want you at full fitness for the game against Croydon.” Folding his arms across his chest, my football coach stared down at me, his mouth set in a hard line.

All I’d done was go down a bit hard in training and felt a bit of a twinge in my ankle, which I’d made the mistake of mentioning to Travis. He of course mentioned it to Bryan, who immediately pulled me out of the training match. Now here I was, sidelined for the foreseeable future.

“Can I at least be on the subs’ bench?” I tried.

“No. I want you match fit for Croydon. We need your defence skills.” With that, he strode off, and I was left slumped at the side of the pitch, gritting my teeth.

Eventually, I picked myself up from the floor and made my way into the changing rooms, showering and grabbing my stuff from my locker. Hands shoved in my royal blue LSU hoodie pockets, I headed away from the football pitch and across the campus to the student union. Might as well work on my essay while I was here. The library was the obvious place, but I preferred to be comfortable, so the student union sofas were my goal.

When I entered the building, my day instantly became worse. Every single sofa was occupied.

For fuck’s sake. I didn’t feel like going home yet…and I didn’t want to think about why I was avoiding hanging around the house lately. The library it was, I guessed.

“Ander, right?”

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a soft voice, my eyes meeting that of a girl who was occupying my preferred sofa—the one in the corner next to the power outlet on the wall, with a coffee table just the right height for resting your legs on.

Instinct took over, and I turned on the charm. Honestly, it was automatic. “Yeah, that’s me. And you are…?”

The girl smiled, a light blush coming to her cheeks. She was very pretty, with long, tumbling red waves and deep green eyes and a fit body that was showcased by a tight cream jumper and even tighter jeans. “I thought so. You’re on the football team, aren’t you? I’m Daisy. Pete’s twin sister.”

I racked my brain as I returned her smile. Who the fuck was Pete?

Lucky for me, she kept talking. “Pete had try-outs for the football team, but he didn’t get a place on the first team. He’s on the second team now, but he’s hoping to get a place on your team. The coach said he was going to trial him—” She cut herself off, her blush deepening. “Sorry. You probably don’t want to hear all this. I’m rambling. Pete says I ramble when I’m nervous.”