Page 24 of Anti-Valentine

He nodded, and I leaned over, passing it to him. I watched as he held a piece of pide in one hand, the other thumbing open his phone and scrolling to his messages. Taking a bite of his food, he licked his lips, a smile tugging at the corners as his gaze scanned the message. When he began tapping on the screen, his smile widened, and my stomach flipped. Not in a good way.

Gritting my teeth, I refocused on my food.

Fuck. It was too quiet in here.

“I’m gonna put something on.” I went to move, but Elliot immediately rose to his feet, glaring at me.

“Don’t you dare move—you need to rest. I’ll get the laptop.” His glare disappeared, which I was glad about because I fucking hated it when he was angry with me.

“Sorry,” I muttered, and he immediately softened, crawling onto the bed next to me and squeezing my arm lightly.

“Sorry for snapping,” he said. He reached for my laptop, setting it up between us, and then retrieved his food from my desk. “What are we watching? You’re the invalid.”

“Hmmm. Well…itisSuper Sunday, and Man United are playing Bournemouth at two, and Bournemouth is our home team, so we should support them…” I batted my lashes at him, and he rolled his eyes.

“Of course. How could I forget.” His tone was flat, but he was smiling again. “If that’s what you want, we’ll watch it.” Leaning forwards, he scrolled through my apps and pulled up Sky Sports.

“When the match is finished, you choose something. Anything. Even the anime you and Noah are obsessed with.”

“I’m not obsessed with it. Noah is, and now Liam.” He hesitated. “There was a show I wanted to try. It’s about a guy with a twin who ends up in a coma, so he pretends to be him to infiltrate his gang and find out who put him in the coma.”

The way his face lit up as he spoke made me so fucking happy. “We’ll watch that, then.”

“There’s some romance in it.”

“Elliot, this isn’t news to me. It’s like you think I don’t know you or something. Unless it’s anime, I know you’ll always pick shit with some kind of romantic element to it.” I nudged his arm. “Your soft romantic heart needs the fluffy shit to balance out the things I make you watch.”

“This is true.” He laughed. “Okay. We’ll try it out after the football match. By the way, it’s subtitled.”

“That means I actually have to concentrate on the screen?” Giving an exaggerated sigh, I shifted closer so that our sides were pressed together from shoulder to ankle. “I suppose it’s a sacrifice I’ll make, just for you.”

“Ander?” His gaze dropped back to his food, and he breathed out heavily. “I…I saw Travis when I was downstairs getting the food. He came over to ask how you were doing. He, uh, he said that some of the girls in number 5 were interested in”—he made finger quotes in the air—“nursing you back to health.”

“Why do I need girls when I have my own personal servant right here?” I shot him a wide grin. “Ready to wait on me hand and foot.”

His face immediately brightened, and he shoved at me, returning my grin with one of his own. “Hey. Don’t push your luck, Ace.”

“Ace. You haven’t called me that for a while.”

“Well, yeah. We’re not kids anymore. That was when we thought it was really cool to have nicknames. Why we chose each other’s, I’ll never know. We had strange ideas about what constituted cool back then.”

Raising my brows, I smirked at him. “I still like mine. Want me to bring your old nickname out of retirement, E-Zee?”

“Don’t you dare! I swear, if anyone hears that name, I will tape your mouth permanently shut, and you’ll have to be fed through a feeding tube.” Elliot glared at me, trying to bite back a smile.

“I fucking love your murderous side.”

“Shhh. The match is about to start.”

Both of us laughing, we turned our attention to the laptop screen.


Apiercing whistle interrupted my concentration, and I growled out loud, ready to tear Travis a new one for throwing me off my game. I was just about to beat Liam’s high score—didn’t he realise how much of an achievement this was? It had been over a year in the making.

“Who are you dressed up for?”

Travis’ words eventually penetrated my brain, and I tore my gaze away from the screen, but not before seeing my character die—fuck you very much, Trav. “Noob,” I muttered under my breath. But then the game was forgotten, my mouth falling open as I turned my head to see what had Travis so distracted.