Page 11 of Anti-Valentine

Somehow, I managed to tear my gaze away from the sight of my best friend, looking so fucking… I didn’t even have a word to describe him. Confident in a way I’d never seen him before. His body was writhing sinuously under the sweeping lights, the sheer sleeveless shirt he wore clinging to the lightly defined muscles of his torso. His legs looked long as fuck in a pair of tight black jeans that I’d never seen him in before. A huge smile was wreathed across his face.

Here, in this club, Elliot was so comfortable in his own skin, it…it made it hard to look away.

Turning to JJ, who was smirking, I raised a brow. “What? I’ve never seen Elliot like this before. It’s…weird.”

JJ stepped closer, curiosity entering his gaze. Despite the low lighting, his eyes looked even brighter and more focused than normal, rimmed with some dark, sparkly shit. “Weird how?”

I shrugged. “Dunno, really. I thought I knew everything about him, but I haven’t seen this side of him before.”

He chewed on his lip for a moment, his expression thoughtful. “You’ve never been to a gay club with him before, have you? It’s a different environment from the usual places you spend time together.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Shooting Elliot another final glance, I allowed JJ to steer me away from the bar towards a group of guys around the same age as us, dressed similarly in short-as-fuck shorts of varying colours and no tops.

“It’s like I’m seeing seven of you,” I murmured in JJ’s ear as we drew closer. “Is there some kind of hot-boy clone factory out the back?”

“Babe, if you’ve got it, flaunt it.” He shot me a grin. “Speaking of, it’s Thirst Trap Thursday. Your T-shirt needs to be gone. Now.”

“Okay.” With another careless shrug, I lifted my tight white T-shirt, peeling it from my body, and tucked it into the waistband of my jeans. JJ was right. I had it, and I was fucking well going to flaunt it.

“JJ, who’s this?” One of the guys, dressed in tiny electric-blue shorts, broke away from the group and sidled up to us. He was at least a head shorter than me, with the lean, defined body of a dancer and a mop of deep brown curls on the top of his head. Giving me a coy smile, he batted his lashes at me.

Before I knew what was happening, his blue-tipped fingernail was trailing down my abs.

JJ swatted his hand away. “Not for you. He’s new to this. Very new. I don’t want you scaring him off.”

Both the guy and I laughed at the same time.

As if I could be scared away. I was fully committed to this.

“Hmmm…” The guy moved, circling behind me and then coming up to my other side. Gripping onto my bicep, he stood up on his toes, speaking into my ear. “Curious, are you? You know what they say about curiosity.”

I shot him a smile, slipping easily into flirt mode. “What do they say?”

“Dance with me, and maybe I’ll tell you.”

“For fuck’s sake,” JJ muttered from my left. “Niccolò. Go and find someone else to play with. This is Ander’s first time here.”

“I don’t mind.” Holding eye contact with Niccolò, I replied to JJ. “What was it you said to me? Be upfront? I’m here to see if I can satisfy some of my curiosity. And I don’t think I need to remind you that this was your idea to come here, anyway.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see JJ shake his head in defeat. “Whatever. Just…play nice, Nic.”

“I’m always nice,” Niccolò purred. He began tugging me away from JJ and his friends, leading us in the direction of the dancing bodies. When we reached the dance floor, he plastered his body up against mine. “Ander. What brings you here tonight?”

A kiss.

A kiss I couldn’t get out of my head.

My gaze flicked to the left of the dance floor where I’d last seen Elliot. For a minute, I couldn’t spot him, but then I caught sight of his familiar profile. He was no longer dancing but standing at the edge, his expression animated as he conversed with someone I couldn’t see. As I watched, his head tipped back, a laugh brightening his entire face, and my chest did something weird. It felt like my heartbeat went irregular for a second.

I coughed. “Long story short. I kissed my male friend, and it made me curious. So I’m exploring new options.”

“Oooh, fun. You kissed a boy, and you liked it. Let’s dance.” Niccolò grabbed my hands, and it made me smile, amused. I wasn’t used to being bossed around, but it was clear to me that JJ’s friend was just as direct as JJ himself.

He spun himself around so that his back was to my chest, threading his fingers through mine, and began to move to the music. I moved with him, dropping straight into the rhythm of the heady beat.

Niccolò dragged our hands up over his torso, angling his head to the side to glance up at me. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

Yeah, it did, in fact. I’d thought I loved the soft curves of a girl’s tits, and okay, I definitely still did, there was no doubt about it, but this…this was new, and yeah, it was good. My dick didn’t seem to be into it, not even slightly, but it was still early. Everything was still so fucking new, being in a gay club and dancing with a guy for the first time, it was probably getting a bit of performance anxiety. If nothing else happened, I’d just have to give it some extra special attention later to make up for it.