Unfortunately, I knew exactly what Nezat was talking about. It was a name he’d given the breeders. His chosen ones. “Casey or Dillon didn’t tell you anything?”
The kettle whistled. Shane made two cups of tea before bringing them to the table. He sat across from me, his hands wrapped around his mug like he needed the warmth on this humid evening. “No. I…I woke up in a room with Casey and Dillon. I asked what was going on. Casey started to say something, but Dillon was pulled from the room. Then Casey. No one said anything to me. I just know my phone was taken and…the reverend was outside the door. My headache hit me hard as soon as I was awake.”
That must have been the worst timing ever to suffer from one of his headaches. At the time, I’d just been glad that he’d been too out of it to fully understand what was going on. Now I wished he’d been fully aware to spare me from having to explain things to him. Shane knew it wasn’t safe to be alone because of Nezat. He just didn’t understand why the demon was after him.
It was about time he found out. I’d deal with the fallout, but Shane needed to know. I should have done this weeks ago. Knowledge was power, and we’d left Shane in the dark. There might have also been a less-than-noble motive on my part. I never claimed to be a saint or to always walk on the right side of things. We all lived in a gray area. No one walked through life with the best of intentions all the time. I’d never met anyone yet who had.
Then again, I was jaded, so that could account for my views on people in general.
And if Shane turned out to be our mate, I wanted him to know what he was getting himself into. Wanted him to experience what it felt like to be claimed by two alpha males, protected by them, loved by them.
So far, I wasn’t sure if it was love I felt toward him. I had some deep feelings when it came to Shane, but since I had no clue what falling in love felt like, I was still on the fence about that mythical unicorn.
“There are some things you should know,” I started out. “About that night.”
“About the chosen ones?” He seemed to perk right up.
“No, that’s a load of crap that Nezat made up.” That was true. No one had even known what a chosen one was until he’d called Dillon that.
“Oh.” Shane deflated before my eyes. “Then what should I know?”
“About Ashford.”
Shane smiled, and it was warm and full of hugs. God, now my brain was getting all corny. Next, I would be reciting him poems. Not in this lifetime. “Ashford is—”
Shane’s phone rang, blaring and cutting into the quiet of the room. He even jumped at the sound before he pulled it from his pocket. “Why is Misty calling me?”
It was obvious to me. The way she made googly eyes at Shane whenever he wasn’t looking. The poor girl. She must not know that Shane was gay. If she did, maybe she was one of those people who thought they could make a gay man straight.
No matter the reason, she already had a boyfriend and child. She shouldn’t be making any kind of eyes toward Shane.
Was I jealous? I didn’t want to think I was, but my thoughts were telling a different story.
“Go ahead and answer it.” I waved my hand as I sat back, taking a sip of my tea and wishing it was coffee or something stronger. Little did Shane know I would be able to hear both sides of the conversation, so I got up and walked into the living room. Just because I had shifter hearing didn’t mean I should eavesdrop on his phone call. But I could still hear him and see his facial expressions.
“Hey, Misty,” Shane answered. “No, no. I’m feeling much better now that I’m home.” He paused as a frown grew. “It was not a ruse to get the rest of the night off.” Pause. Deeper frown. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’ll be late when you get off. You don’t have to come over here to check on me.” Pause, pause, pause. “I’ll probably be asleep by the time you clock out, but thanks for your concern.” A deep sigh. “Yes, I’m sure. Get home to your son.” Arched eyebrows. “I’m sure a lot of guys wouldn’t care about dating someone with a baby.” Dipped brows. “If it was me, would I mind? Um, I can’t really give my opinion about that. Look, I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”
Shane hung up and met me in the living room. “I think Misty might have a slight crush on me.”
I held back my smile. Shane was adorable when he looked confused. “You’re a good-looking guy with impeccable work ethics.” And a rocking-hot body.
“But she already has a boyfriend!” He rubbed the back of his neck. “How do I keep getting myself into these situations?”
“Why, does Janie have the hots for you, too, or one of the other servers?” I was still holding back my smile, but I couldn’t help but tease him a little.
“I didn’t even know Misty had the hots for me.” Shane bit his lip. “Not that I tell my business at work, and I’m far from ashamed of who I am, but I think she and I need to talk.” He turned toward me. “Now what were you saying about Ashford?” His face lit up. “Can you bring him over? I love sitting outside with him. The three of us can enjoy our evening on my lawn chairs.”
“Yeah, about that…”
“Is Ashford at home?” Shane asked.
“Kind of,” I said.
“I know there are times when you guys use a dog sitter. Or at least, that’s what I think since I never see him when we’re leaving for work.”
“Oh, you see him,” I said. “In fact, he drives the Charger.”
Shane chuckled. “Right, a wolf that can drive. You’re funny, Delvin.”