I did her a favor and refilled the cups.
I see your inner snot-nosed child is throwing another whiny little shit fit. I’d be happy to feed her a nice cuppa shut the fuck up.
-Morrigan to Aodhan
I’d had a good day.
In fact, I’d had a great day.
I’d had a good three days, if I was being completely honest.
Because I hadn’t passed out once.
I hadn’t even needed to pass out once.
But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.
I’d made a good run.
Now it was time for my life to remind me who was a bitch. Spoiler alert, it was me.
And not in a “she’s rude and I hate her” bitch way, but in a “you’ll never accomplish living a good life” kind of way.
How was the world going to ensure that I lived a bad life today?
Well, by throwing three people into my day that were sure to send my stress levels through the roof.
One, Aodhan.
Two, my stepmother and my dad.
Aodhan, I knew would never send my stress levels out of whack on purpose. My father and stepmother, though? Yeah, they were more than willing to make my life hell if they felt the need to.
But there was always the option to avoid them if I could…so that was what I was currently trying to do.
I’d seen them the moment that I walked into the grocery store.
Sadly, I really needed the damn milk, or I couldn’t run my business. And, since my milk order was running late due to an accident on the interstate, there was no way in hell I could avoid heading to the one and only store in Accident, Florida without having to drive an hour out of the way.
An hour I didn’t have today seeing as I’d waited until the last minute to get out of bed, which had been a mistake.
Now, I was left scrambling for milk, and had no other choice but to go into the store even when I knew two of the four vehicles in the store belonged to people that were known triggers for me.
All I had to do was avoid them, however.
I could do it.
I could walk in the door and go the opposite way of where I heard their voices.
Because I knew they would be talking.
There was no way that Aodhan would be rude enough not to say hi to my father if he saw him, and my father loved Aodhan. Always had.