Page 90 of Hostile Takeover

“Yep,” I affirmed. “And guess who would be the main investor for an undertaking like that?”

“Mmmm.” She nodded. “And I bet you’re feeling iffy about it?”

“Hell yes,” I answered. “I know I can bring on lawyers to make sure the terms aren’t predatory, butstill.I got married to make sureNectarwas solely in my hands. Having him—or anybody, really—invest feels like handing the reins over again, which is scary.”

“Understandably,” Morgan said. “But at the same time… the opportunity for expansion is pretty major.”

My head bobbed. “It absolutely is, which makes this even harder. I don’t feel justoneway about it. Multiple locations has always been a dream of mine for this store, you know? I don’t want to pass up the chance just because of some—unlikely—possibility that Orion just wants to screw me over.”

“If it helps ease your mind at all, Orion isverycareful with this kind of money,” Alexis said. “Now, I can’t saytoomuch, but… knowing what I do about his personal portfolio, I don’t think he would offer his investment lightly. He has to really believe in it. In… you.”

I blew out a sigh.

I hated the way those words felt in my chest.

As much effort as I gave into managing my own feelings where it came to Orion, trying to keep them rooted in logic instead of letting my pussy lead the way, I was constantly ignoring and downplaying the vibes that came fromhim.

Did I think the man was in love with me?

Of course not.

But he was certainly all-in as my husband, as far as I could tell. The way he looked at me made me blush, the way he protected me made me feel invincible, and the words he sometimes spoke over me seemed deeply rooted in a level of respect I appreciated more than I could articulate.

And the way hetouchedme…


This wassupposedto feel like torture though.

“I’m pulling the subject change card,” I said, shaking my head. “Conversation getting a little too real for me.”

Alexis and Morgan looked at each other, then back to me, and nodded.

“Valid,” Alexis said. “Let’s talk about how I’m about to have to start my own firm because my boss ain’t shit.”

I frowned. “Anthony’s assagain?”

“Yes,him.” She blew out a sigh. “This new startup,InnovaTech. I’m the senior most junior partner at BWM, but they’re giving the account to Isai Mason and his little crew instead. They’rechildren.”

“I thought you mentioned him being the same age as Soren when you complained about him before,” Morgan asked.

“No,youngerthan Soren, who is a baby too. These guys arenewborns.”

“But… Lex… isn’t personal wealth your thing? Startups are corporate finance…”

“Yes, but after I got us in atStellar Foodsbecause of my connection, I’d hoped the firm would see and appreciate that, and put me in on more corporate accounts. Iaskedfor more corporate accounts.”

Alexis went on with her complaints about the lack of respect she got at work, but I was only half tuned in. With the conversation still being about corporate investments, I couldn’t help my mind drifting back to what she’d said earlier.

He has to really believe in you.

That statement shouldn’t’ve have made such a big impact, but here we were.

So often—toooften—I could trace the failings of my romantic relationships straight to my ambition and lack of need on a financial level. I wanted someone I could build with; not a man so fragile he needed me to play a role of needing bills paid or whatever else.

I could take care of myself on that level.

The appeal of a partner was in having my emotional and physical needs met; two areas where far too many men were underdeveloped and showed no interest in improving.