Page 89 of Hostile Takeover

Orion shook his head, looking good as hell today in slacks and a nice sweater. “Not a chance. Your little friend has been in the wind way too long. It would be just my luck that today is the day.”

I rolled my eyes over that “little friend”comment.

He was talking about EJ.

That scene he’d made inNectarwas weeks ago, which may as well be years ago to my mind. I was right back to not thinking about him.

Until I caught the occasional glimpse of the increased security.

A mood killer every time.

And fooling with Orion, there was no point arguing. He wasn’t trying to hear it and it was easier to just let it ride.

So that was exactly what I did, simply ignoring them as I went about my day. Easy to do when I was up in my office, but much harder when I was out and about in the store.

Such as when Morgan and Alexis showed up for lunch.

We managed to snag a rarely-available, private table instead of the bench style seating—killing their opportunity to tease me about not using my “status” to simply mark one off as reserved. I was serious about our customers being a priority though,exceptwhere it came to waiting on our food. Ididorder that ahead, knowing Morgan and Alexis both would appreciate the efficiency of being able to eat while we talked and then get back to work.

Everybody was busy.

Not too busy to get on my ass though.

“You’reglowing,Mrs. Sterling,” Morgan taunted as she stabbed a forkful of salad. “Life as a billionaire’s wife must be treating you well. What’s happening with your face?” she asked, gesturing at me with her loaded fork. “A cheetah placenta facial or something? Why does your skin look so expensive?”

Shaking my head, I laughed. “Cheetah placenta? Where do you even come up with the shit? I’m using a new line from the spa that just opened on the first floor,Face Card.For the price point, that shitbetterwork.”

“I’m gonna need an exact list of whatever you’re using,” Alexis told me, wearing a dead serious expression.

Morgan nodded. “Make sure you forward it to me too.”

“No need for all that.” I shook my head. “I’ll just send it to you. And I’ll put it on Orion’s credit card, like I did with mine,” I added, sticking out my tongue as they laughed.

“See, with the rich bitch antics,” Morgan insisted. “You’re already acting up!”

“Am I acting up, or usingallmy contractually obligated perks while I have them?”

Alexis sucked her teeth. “While you have them? Please.” She laughed. “Your ass isn’t going anywhere. You messed around and started liking him and we all know wherethatleads.”

“I don’tlike him,” I argued, looking back and forth between her and Morgan, hoping to drop the unconvinced looks from their faces. “I tolerate him. There’s a difference.”

“How many times have you fucked him since you got married?” Morgan asked.

I scoffed. “Girl I don’t know! I’m not keeping up with that.”

“That’sexactlythe point.” She laughed. “Six weeks ago you were lamenting having to submit to a biweekly poking, and now you’re taking that dick so oftenyou can’t even keep up? Bitch who do you think you’re fooling?”

“Myself, damn, can y’all let me live?!” I whisper-yelled, making them giggle again. “I don’t know, I’m just…” I sighed. “My commitment to being disgusted at myself fornotbeing disgusted by him is waning. He’s wearing me down,” I whined.

“Girl let that shit happen,” Alexis insisted. “Seriously,you’re married to him. It doesn’t have to be miserable just because of how it started.”

“But I can’t let go of how it started,” I countered. “It’s just like… there at the back of my mind. And I’mstillnot really sure what he’s getting out of this, which is nagging at me. What if I get too comfortable andthensome bullshit comes out?”

“He’sgettingmore pussy than he can keep up with and a beautiful wife,” Morgan spoke up. “And even though he deeded theNectarbuilding and land back to you, he still benefits from that connection.”

I tipped my head, nodding. “There might really be something to that. This afternoon I’m meeting with him and one of theWholesome Foodsregional managers to talk about expansion forNectar.”

Alexis perked up. “Expansion as in different locations?”