Page 68 of Hostile Takeover

We could have easily devoted those resources to building a store in a neighborhood where I could hike up prices and make record profits, guilt free. But I wasn't going with that. I was following Stanford's lead on what would be good for people who looked like me, which was still important to this company.

It wasotherssabotaging shit that had me second-guessing it.

Otherswho seemed a little out of place in comparison to the residents of the area, per the surveillance footage that was being analyzed.

Probably some bored rich kids from nearby, with access to better stores than were currently available to the actual residents, with nothing better to do except fuck things up for somebody else.

It wasbeyondaggravating.

“Whatever you think is best, just do it,” I said. “And keep me updated.”

“As always.” Stanford nodded. “Now, talk to me about something good. How does it feel to be married man now?”

“Man I thought you said talk to you about something good,” I quipped back, even though I was talking just to talk. Since our return from Sugar Valley, for the most part Nalani and I had simply been staying out of the other's way.

She'd been in her space, and I'd been in mine, working on everything that had been neglected in order to facilitate our quickie wedding.

“Don't tell me you're already fucking it up.” Stanford chuckled. “You’ve got a smart, beautiful wife who has too much on her plate to be needy and always be up under you. You’re living the dream, young man, what's wrong?”

“Wrong?” I asked. “Nothing, not really. Just…newlywed growing pains, I guess.”

Stanford shook his head. “Too soon for growing pains. You should still be in honeymoon mode. Whatever you’re doing to get on that woman's nerves, stop it.”

“Whose side are you on?”

“Hers.” He laughed. “I'm going to go ahead and get started on our little PR campaign,” he added, pulling up from his seat. “Like I said, I've got this under control.You… focus on your family.”

While I appreciated the sentiment, that was much easier said than done. Still, I at least made an attempt, closing down all my tabs open with news articles about the vandalism at the build site.

I was going to go visit my wife at work.

* * *

There was alwayssomething new to look at when you walked intoNectar, which I firmly believed was part of the appeal. Right up front, there was a display that changed every month, not necessarily tied to any nearby holidays or even the season.

Small booth spaces, highlighting different businesses and brands from around the store.

It had been updated since my last trip, with a business namedhoney&hibiscus. Even though the display was new to me, I’d seen the logo before—recognized it from a few products I'd noticed in Nalani's bathroom.

That realization tempted me to pop inside to pick up a gift. Women loved gifts, especially ones that were for “nothing,” or even a surprise.

But… there was a line, and I didn't want to end up stuck in there, so I said I pulled out my phone instead, shooting a text over to Shiloh to look into it for me when she had time. I continued on my path, halfway hoping I’d simply run into her out and about in the store like I had before.

I had no such luck about the time I made it to the elevators.

So, I took it up to the administration floor, using my executive entry code to access the office suites. I knew exactly which one was hers, so I headed straight there, deciding along the way if I was going to knock first, or simply walk in, just to make a point.

The point being to get on her nerves.

It was an obvious choice.

Luckily for me, the door wasn’t locked. I marched right inside, prompting her to look up from whatever on her screen had captured her attention.

An immediate frown passed over her face as she pulled an earbud from one ear and stared at me for a tense moment before she spoke up.

“Whatever your reason is for bothering me at work, I don’t have time for it,” she said, then put her earbud back in.

“I think you shouldmaketime,” I told her, strolling up to the desk. “It’s important.”