Page 63 of Hostile Takeover


But whatever.

Fuck him.

When I re-entered the bedroom, it was blessedly empty. I immediately noted the linen change on the now-made bed. That was one thing I could appreciate; the man was clean on his own, without waiting for a housekeeper to come behind him.

I made a point of dressing quickly, in leggings and an oversized sweater I was glad I’d had the foresight to bring. We weren’t supposed to be at the cabin this long. We should’ve been in a beach bungalow by now, but the weather had different plans.

It kinda felt like a conspiracy against me.

At a resort, I could get away from him. I could go to spas, drink alone, escape in clubs. Here? I was stuck in the same house, seeing and smelling him, nowhere else to go.

Of course I couldn’t keep my pussy off him, what else was there to do?

Grudgingly, I left the bedroom to head for the kitchen, which I found empty. There was a covered plate left for me on the counter, which I nibbled at for a while before curiosity got the best of me.

Where the hell was he?

He’d disappeared every morning since the wedding. This was morning three, I remembered now. I’d never asked him about it, but couldn’t find him in the house, so deductive reasoning said he had to be outside.

In the freezing cold.


I justhadto be nosy.

I slipped on all my winter gear and made my way outside. The first thirty seconds of frigid mountain air was more than enough for me, but I committed to at least making a full round outside. I avoided the potential icy conditions of the paved walkway, choosing to trudge through the snow. When I made it around to the garage, it was clear Orion had been there.

Now, he was nowhere to be seen.

There was a big shovel planted in the snow, near a pile he’d been making, clearing the garage opening.

I laughed.

Maybe he was sick of me too and trying to get us off this damn mountain.

A girl can certainly dream.

Wherever he’d gotten off to now wasn’t clear, but my next guess was that he’d gone inside to take a break. Instead of finishing my path around the house, I turned around to head back the way I came.

And… there he was.

Just standing there.

Grinning at me.

An uneasy feeling spread through me, driven purely by the look of wickedness he wore, and I was stuck where I stood, not knowing what was happening or what to do.

I didn’t see the snowball until it was already coming at my face.

“What the fuck?!” I shrieked, temporarily blinded by the attack as his snowy missile burst into soft powder, going up my nose. Even without being able to see, I knew enough to immediately get low, listening for the sound of his laughter and heavy boots trudging through the snow.

“I’ll give you a moment to recover,” he shouted, from somewhere behind me.

I finally got the snow scrubbed from my eyes, enough to pull myself back to a standing position before I looked around to clock his location.

“Time’s up.”