Page 18 of His Bunny Baby

When I saw the torn skin on her shoulder, it took everything in me not to make her stay until she filled me in on who was hurting her. It wasn’t until I was talking to Ava that it hit me.

Fucking Chester.

Football golden boy.

Waste of fucking air as far as I’m concerned.

His parents allow him to get away with everything, so it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if his entitled ass was harassing women and hurting them. What pisses me off most is that we share DNA.

So here I am today, sitting out in front of Bunny and Chester’s school, waiting for the final bell to ring. I called Roman last night and filled him in on Bunny’s visit to my shop and explained that I had a plan, but he needed to figure out a way to ensure she was waiting for a ride to and from school.

He appealed to her practical side and said he was taking her car in for a complete inspection and that it’d be ready for her by the weekend. He felt guilty, I’m sure, but my promise to fix everything convinced him to help me out.

Leaning against the side of my pickup, I notice kids shuffling out the front door a minute before the bell rings. A few eyes wander towards me but quickly seem unbothered and move on. A few looks linger, wondering what the hell I’m doing here, and I even find that a group of kids take a seat at a picnic table, obviously figuring something is about to happen.

I hear my cousin’s raucous laughter as he bursts through the entrance with a group of football players, and I hold myself back from smashing his face into the wall. What most of these pissants don’t know is that Chester might be a football golden boy, but he failed tenth grade due to all his fuckery, and he’s nineteen, about to turn twenty, which means he’s fair game to me.

“Caspian, my man!” The idiot misses my contemptuous glare as he claps his pals on the back, bragging about me. This fucking clown hasn’t got a clue left in his rattled brain. As he strides forward, confident that I’m here for him, I see the front doors open again as a group of girls in cheer uniforms exits.

Nestled in the middle of them is my girl, looking frail, hurt, and run down. As Chester gets within arm’s reach, I grab the scruff of his neck and slam him face-down on the hood of my truck. “Yo, man, what the hell!” he screeches, drawing the attention of everyone nearby.

I’m older, and I know better, but it doesn’t damper the rage coursing through me when I catch Bunny’s frightened eyes. Crooking my finger at her, her body moves towards me before her tired mind can tell it no. Another girl follows closely behind her, and I wonder if this is the one she was telling me about.

She’s wary as she approaches, rightfully so, but I gently clasp her fingers anyway, bringing her towards me. I lay a gentle kiss at her temple, and she shudders before locking her knees into place.

“Why are you here, Caspian?”Christ,even her words come out fatigued. I fucked up so bad.

“He the one who’s been touching you?” Her eyes dart between the two of us, unsure how to answer.

“I ain’t do nothing she didn’t want,” Chester cries out. I slam his face down again.

“Shut the fuck up, boy. Nobody gives a shit about you.” My words soften as I speak to her. “Bunny baby, tell me. Please.”

“Yeah, it’s him. He’s done more than bite and nip at her this week, though.” The friend speaks up.

“Tabitha.” Bunny hisses her name. I’m glad this girl befriended her; Bunny needed it.

“No, Bun, the school won’t do anything. You reported him for assaulting you this week, and their solution was to write you up. This fucker nearly raped her, and nobody has done a fucking thing about it. She hasn’t gotten more than three seconds of peace in weeks because of him. He’s gotten crueler in the last month, and frankly, if you don’t do something, I’m about to run him over.” Her hands slam on her hips, and the other cheerleaders beside her pipe up, reinforcing similar sentiments.

Teachers have come outside by now, some looking impressed, others appearing pissed. The pissed ones are the ones I assume have been giving my fuckhead of a cousin a free pass.

“Caspian!” Jack’s voice from behind me has me glancing over my shoulder to find him with Roman, Valentine, and I think one of the sisters I haven’t met yet. I feel rabid as he collects my cousin from my hold. “Can’t take care of your girl if you’re behind bars, man.”

My eyes narrow, but I release my hold on the boy as Jack drags him away. “Fine, but you better be taking him straight to a police station.” He assures me that’s the plan.

Turning my attention back on Bunny, I cup one hand around her neck, and the other goes to her lower back, dragging her into me. “I fucked up.” Shocked eyes shoot up to mine. “I’m so fucking sorry, little one.”

Leaning down, I place a gentle kiss on her lips, inhaling her surprised gasp and loving the way her fingers dig into my chest. Pulling back takes all my strength. I don’t want to let her go.

“Come home with me.” It’s Friday night, and I’d like to spend the weekend spoiling her rotten and proving to her that I’m not as big of an ass as I’ve acted.

“Bunny?” Valentine’s questioning voice has Bunny stepping back.

“Why should she? You broke her heart,” the other sister snaps at me. I deserve it.

“Which one’s that?” I ask my woman.

Her eyes dart to the two women here to protect her. “Christmas.”