Page 20 of Boneyard Tides

Sparrow chuckled through the phone, but then cleared his throat. “God, I wish it was that. I’d take some dumb shit of his over what I’m about to hit you with any day of the week.”

I leaned forward, attention piqued. Sparrow wasn’t the kind of man who beat around the bush or fucked around with small talk or mundane conversations. When he spoke, everyone listened, and if they didn’t? Well…they were about to.

“Doesn’t sound good.” Nathan slid the full glass of whiskey back over to me and I lost myself in the amber liquid before shooting it back. Hissing, I swiped my lips with my thumb. “What is it?”

“You’re not going to like this, but we’re going to have to go back to Hades Hollow.”

As soon as he said the name, my blood turned to ice. Gone was the burning power of whiskey, and in its place was the realization that I could be seeing her again.

“You’re right, I don’t, and you couldn’t make me go back there if you dressed up in hooker heels and called me Daddy. Fuck, Sparrow. What the fuck? I thought we had a deal on why we wouldn’t have to revisit.We had a plan.”

He sighed and my shoulders loosened slightly. Sparrow wasn’t raised in Hades Hollow, so it was different to him than it was to me. “And another thing.”

I held my breath.

“Malyk is coming too.”

Fucking hell. This wasn’t going to be good. “Yeah, well, it’s going to have to wait.” I flicked the bottle cap from between my fingers, leaning back in my chair. “I’ll come after I blow off some steam.”

Everyone knew what I meant when I said blow off steam. Especially Sparrow. Not that we were friends, not even Malyk and me, and the shithead and I had at least some things in common, but we weren’t enemies. Kind of like an…appreciation. No, that wasn’t it either. More like a trauma bond.

I sat back in the crowd, shirt off and legs spread wide. I had only done one collab with That Boy, but it took off. I’d been in the music business since I was eleven years old. Right after, that happened. My ma, bless her cold, dead heart, did at least one thing right before she went tits under. She always made sure I uploaded my shit onto YouTube, even as a kid. It wasn’t hard for me to be discovered, especially once people heard my vocals.

Pushing up from my chair, I made my way to the side of the stage, picking up a stray mic and drifting in slowly. He was in the middle of our song in acapella, and no one knew I was here. It was a chill event, mainly for online audiences, but there were still some people here.

“I should have known that I didn’t need you… especially when—” I continued the song, singing through the chords I knew exactly to hit and lowering to a harmony with him toward the end.

People screamed, and then clapped, and I swear someone tried to reach for me from the crowd. I probably should have put a T-shirt on.

That Boy bounced down from the stage, a cheesy grin on his face as he leaned in and grabbed me by the shoulders. “That was sweet, man. Legend.”

I ruffled up his hair and made my way back the way I came. I needed to get out of here, fast now, before more paparazzi came and wanted to ask me fifty billion questions—all that ended withhow she died.

My phone rang as the cold air hit me across the face, and I swiped to answer as my security opened the back door of the Range and I slid in.


“We’ve done three.”

“You think doing three games is going to make it appealing to this girl?” I still hadn’t asked who it was, but it was Hades Hollow. There wasn’t much to pick from, and whatever the reason for Sparrow and Malyk doing this, it had meaning. I needed to fly back ASAP and talk to both.

“Yeah, I fucking do—” I mentioned we weren’t all friends? Total matter of circumstance. “I don’t wanna be here playing this bullshit any more than you or Malyk. I have a life too. You both forget that!”

I could see the angry vein pulsing against his neck already. Sparrow liked to pretend he was the calm and collected one, and compared to Malyk and me? Yeah, he was. But compared to the average male? No. He was a psycho. He breathed out a sigh.

“I want this shit done as fast as possible.”

“Sparrow, I hate to break this to you, man.” I leaned up to grab the cigarettes from my back pocket. “But you are a literal billionaire. Owning the most prestigious ski resorts all over the world not enough for you, Big Boy? Hmmm?” I smirked around the trunk of my smoke. “Leave it for The Game, man. It’ll find its way and keep people who need to be happy—happy.” I was treading on thin ice speaking the way I was. Even vaguely.

“Shut the fuck up, Dion. When can you make it back to this town?”

I blew out a cloud of smoke, inhaling deeply before leaning my foot on the driver’s seat in front of me. “I’ll fly back tomorrow. Chill, Big Boy. You’ll be in control again—” The phone cut out and I burst out in a chuckle.

“Anyone ever tell you you’re a bit of an asshole, Dion Quinn?”

I turned toward the familiar voice. Her gaze traced to my lips. Reaching toward her, I cupped her ass and ground her onto my lap. “Yep. Every fucking day.”
