And then an hour later:

I managed to secure the car seat, but those things were tricky.

She's not wrong.

He enjoys getting these little tidbits from Colleen - her constant delight at Simon's antics fills him up, and he finds himself smiling way more than his student's abysmal attempts at the new variation he has them working on would ever merit.

When his sessions are over, and he shoots off a text letting her know he's done for the day, Colleen replies with an invite to her mom's for dinner.

Unless you're tired and want to go home, that's fine, too. I can meet you there, she assures him.

He's happy to have dinner with half of the Bourne women and tells her so.

When he gets to Lisette's house, he's greeted warmly and is taken aback at how chatty, and friendly Jane is. She's such a happy, outgoing kid who frequently returns to her Nana for hugs or snuggles before venturing out to play with Simon or show Dustin a book, or give Colleen her own set of snuggles.

Dinner is delicious, and the kids play well together, only getting into a brawl or two when one or the other doesn't share. Dustin helps clean up, and then it's time to gather a sleepy, happy Simon to head home.

"Thank you for dinner, Lisette," he says as he hugs her. "Your lasagna was amazing as always."

"My pleasure," she replies, kissing his cheek. Then she kisses Simon's cheek and says, "Colleen told me about your sitter woes. I can't offer to do it regularly, I spend too much time in Hilsburr with Belinda and the baby for that, but don't hesitate to ask if you need someone to watch this little guy from time to time. Even at 5:00 am. I'm up well before then most days anyway."

"I wouldn't want to put you out like that, Lisette," he admits.

Lisette looks at him dead and says, "You can and will if you need to. You know I'd never offer if I didn't mean it."

He remembers, then, how good Lisette has always been at showing empathy and compassion without offering more than she is willing or able to give. It's a gift she passed on to Colleen, and Dustin knows it means that when she shows her time, she's sincere.

"I'll keep you in mind," is all he'll commit to.

Colleen walks him and Simon out to the car, holding Simon while Dustin expertly moves Simon's car seat from Colleen's vehicle back to his.

Colleen slips Simon into his car seat, kisses his cheek, and receives a noisy, messy kiss back.

"Bye buddy," she tells him. "I had so much fun with you!"

"He had fun with you, too," Dustin tells her when she straightens and closes Simon's door.

"It seemed like it," she agrees. "No meltdowns, only a little crying, frustration, and laughter. He's a joy, Dustin," she adds, and Dustin is struck by how choked up she is.

"He adores you," he tells her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"It's mutual," she says, her words blowing across his throat and causing him to shiver.

"Thank you," he tells her as he pulls back.


* * *

Per her request,Colleen's birthday celebration is a low-key shindig at her house with many of the same people attending who were at her Boxing Day party. When Dustin lets himself in, the gathering is in full swing, and Simon happily bounces on Dustin's arm to the music floating in from the kitchen.

Colleen and her oldest niece are already dancing in her kitchen, and Dustin's breath catches at how happy she looks - how downright gorgeous she looks, too.

She dances over to him and Simon and plucks the baby from his arms, now choosing to dance around with him. Dustin twirls her niece a few times, smiling when she blushes a little, but mostly watches as Belinda joins the fray with Pippa secure and content in Casey's arms.

It's a happy start to a celebration that stays joyous and mellow through dinner, chocolate cake, and a raucous rendition of the Birthday Song that startles the tiniest baby.

Simon clings to Colleen, something he's never done before, but she doesn't seem to mind, happy to carry him with her through much of the night, only giving him over to Dustin when it's time for the cake. For about a second, Dustin has the money to think that he should worry about how attached his son is to his...what? Friend? Former partner? Maybe a best friend? But he concludes that they're happy. They're all happy today, and he can worry about it later.