"Daniel . . . "

"I don't know what else to do . . . she won't see me now because she thinks it'll put me and Tina in danger."

"Maybe she's right; maybe you shouldn't mess with this nutcase."

"Ashley . . . I need her so bad. I might not ever meet someone who makes me feel this way again; it took me seven years to find her."

"If something happens to you I'll blame myself forever."

"I'll go hunt him down myself if you don't give me the address, you're just saving me time."

Ashley relented and gave him the address in Atlanta where he could find Trent Waters, and he asked her to take Tina for the weekend so he could try to deal with it once and for all.

"Please, tell me you know what you're doing," she sighed.

"I know what I'm doing, Ashley, I swear."

"You need to talk to Harry about this too."

"I'll call him later, I promise. Thanks for this."

"Don't you dare make me regret this."

Daniel began to lay out his plan to deal with his ex and imagined everything going right. He had to think positively when it was so risky.


Anna was standing, staring into space in the kitchen, when her phone buzzed, and she winced at the notification of a text from Daniel. He had sent her a short message and the link to another song. She knew that whatever song he'd sent would be rough to listen to, and she was so right about that.

~ I'm not giving up until you say you don't want me (which you're free to do if that's how you feel). I can't stop believing you're the one for me, and I hope you still feel that way too. I love you, and I miss you so much already. Daniel xo

She hit play on the song he sent her and then lost it in the middle of her kitchen.


Daniel got a call from Octavia that evening, and he was happy to hear from her; she seemed to be as upset as he was that Anna had broken it off.

"Is she OK?" he asked. "I'm losing my mind worrying about her and Ben."

"Things are bad, but she's determined to shield you and Tina from it. That creep left a threatening message on her voicemail, but he blocked the number and disguised his voice with an app."

"Jesus! This guy really is nuts," Daniel shuddered.

"He's a monster," Octavia sighed.

"What did the message say?"

"He says he was having her watched and if she doesn't stop sleeping with random men he'll come and take Ben from her."

"So he doesn't know who I am?" he asked.

"Doesn't look like it. The message said something along the lines of, 'I don't know who you're fucking, but it better stop.' "

"I need to know what this creep looks like and where he hangs out," Daniel said, hoping she knew.

He did have his home address, but Daniel preferred getting close without arousing suspicion at first. Since Trent didn't know who he was, he felt it was a better option.

"Just Google him to see what he looks like, he's well known in Atlanta. Last I heard he hangs out at a bar calledManuel's Tavern, that's what Anna said anyway."