"Not really, honey. I'll tell you more about it as soon as I can, OK? It's nothing you need to worry about."

"OK, Dad," she smiled.

Daniel said goodnight to Harry, Ashley, Sarita, and Tina quickly wandered off to bed. She knew when to come closer and when he needed time alone to think. So many years with only the two of them together had left them deeply in tune with each other's moods.

He poured himself a tall scotch before calling Anna; something told him he'd need it.

Anna answered on the first ring as if she was sitting right next to the phone.


"Hey, honey. You feel better now?" he asked, desperate to keep it all light.

"No . . . and honestly I don't think it's going to be OK now. This will only be the beginning of trouble."

"Then we need to do something about it, Anna. We can't just let him terrorize you, right?"

"He has so much more control than you know . . . I never thought he'd find me here. I still don't know how he did."

"Just tell me what to do, honey, and I'll do it."

"Daniel . . . Let's take a break.

"Don't say that, honey, we can work through this."

"Daniel . . . you have a daughter that you need to think of before Ben and me. Trent is insane; you'll be in danger if you're with me," she sighed.

"That's exactly why I should stay around to protect you!" Daniel exclaimed.

He could feel it all slipping through his hands, and desperation was seeping in.

"The reason he wants to hurt me is because I'm with someone, I don't know what else I can do to be sure you and Tina are safe."

"I thought you were happy? It was working so well, wasn't it?"

"I am happy, meeting you was such a blessing for me. I don't want it this way . . . but I don't have the right to put you and Tina in danger. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to either of you."


"This is the way it has to be . . . at least for now."

"Can't we talk about this some more? I don't want to be without you, Anna."

"I don't want that either."

"So now I just sit around and panic about you?"

"Daniel . . . I don't have any answers right now."

Daniel could feel choked up and sensed a dark cloud forming overhead.

"Please don't do this, Anna. I love you."

"I love you, too . . . that's why I need to keep you and Tina safe. I never meant to hurt you, Daniel. I'm so sorry."

She said goodbye then, and he didn't get a chance to beg again because she hung up the phone.
