Daniel pulled outside Anna's house in his beat-up truck and took the paper up the path to her door. He did feel a little like a knight carrying the head of a beast, and he prayed to have her in his arms again shortly.

He knocked and waited with his heart in his hands.

When Anna opened the door, she looked stunned and tired but still beautiful. Her hair was wavy, and her face looked drained, but her blue eyes killed him. She was barefoot in a sundress, and he wanted to marry her there.

"Daniel? I . . . "

He held the paper to her, and she confusedly took it from him. She skimmed the article quickly, and it took a little time to get the gist.

"But . . . how?"

"It's a really long story, but they'll be looking into your allegations a lot more seriously now . . . in fact, there's going to be a trial if I'm not mistaken.

"But . . . "

"He admitted everything on tape to a couple of strangers over a game of pool this weekend," Daniel explained and watched as her eyes filled with tears.

"You and Harry?"

"Yes. Then we sent the evidence to the mayor and said he better take care of it cause we have copies of the audio. Trent is in your past now, honey . . . and I hope I can still be in your future."

Anna dropped the paper on her doorstep and melted into his arms as he'd hoped.

"I'm so sorry, Daniel . . . I'm sorry."

"Shhh . . . .you did what you thought you had to, honey."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Anna pulled him closer and closed the door behind them.

"I could hardly breathe without you," she sobbed, going straight for the buttons of his shirt. "I'll never let you go again as long as I live . . . "


Daniel was overwhelmed by how she looked at him, touched him, and everything in between. She was the woman he was meant to find after losing Candace, and he was ready to dive in with both feet now that she was free.

There may be a headache of a trial ahead of them, but they'd deal with it together. Either way, Trent Waters was finished in the court of public opinion, and he'd never hurt her again. Regardless of the trial's outcome, Daniel never let anyone forget what he'd admitted to.

"I can't believe you did this for me, Daniel. You're the most incredible person I've ever met," she praised, taking his face and kissing him hard.

"I had to do it," he said simply. "I had to make sure you'd be safe."

Anna told him not to move a muscle as she walked to the kitchen and returned with an ice-cold beer.


"I love you so much, Daniel," she grinned, easing him back to the sofa. "Let me be good to you."

He sat down and watched with great satisfaction as she knelt between his knees.

"You're the man of my dreams, Daniel Goffman."

"And you're the woman of mine," he smiled.

She lay her hands on the couch cushions on either side of his hips and kissed his lips softly as she urged his knees apart.