"The place is spotless," she commented, and he looked around at how perfect it was, knowing he was busted.

He had tidied up before taking her to her aunt and uncle's house, which looked the same.

"I figured there'd at least be some beer cans in the garbage," she added, eyebrows raised.

"Why can't you ever just be a dumb kid?" he asked.

"Cause you raised me better than that. Spill it."

Daniel told her all he could, in child-friendly terms, and she wasn't overly surprised by his tale.

"So when this bad guy gets arrested you're going to go and get her?" she asked.

"That's the plan . . . I'm hoping she'll take me back then."

"She better."

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Tina."

"It's OK, Dad. I know why you did."


When Tuesday morning came, Daniel ran out for milk before work and picked up the Atlanta newspaper at the corner store. Daniel hoped the letter had gotten to the mayor by then, and apparently, it had. It was already front-page news.


The article mentioned the arrest of Trent Waters and the charges being laid against him. The D.A. was building a case, and Daniel knew he'd be coming forward to speak against him and that Anna likely would be too, but first, he had to go and see her.

Daniel folded the newspaper under his arm and went home to take Tina to school before heading to Anna's house.

"She's going to lose it!" Tina smiled. "You did the right thing, Dad."

"I hope so. No matter what happens, a bad man is off the streets and no longer a threat to women."

"You're my hero," she smiled and hugged him tight before exiting the truck.

"Love you, honey!"

"Love you more."


Daniel called into work and told Octavia to pass it along that he needed the morning off.

"No problem, Daniel. I read the news this morning!" she squealed. "You really pulled off a miracle here . . . thank you."

"It was my pleasure. Did she see it?" he asked.

"Nope. She took Ben to playschool this morning, and she's probably laying on the couch moping as we speak."

"So she misses me?" he smiled.

"She's been sobbing on and off since it ended . . . go and get her."

"Thanks, Octavia."
