"We stayed up late and slept in the tent in the backyard," she grinned.

"Just like your dad and me when we were kids," he noted.

"I can't hardly imagine you and my dad as kids," she laughed.

Daniel reached into his back pocket to show her a picture of them as children from his wallet, and Sarita found it amusing.

"I never seen this one. Was this taken at the creek?"

"We used to fish there all the time just to stay out of the house," he explained.

"You used to look more alike," she noted, handing him back the picture.

"Yep, we look nothing alike now, but we're closer than we ever were."

"I think me and Tina will always be best friends," she smiled.

"Best friends and cousins," he agreed. "You've been a blessing for her, Sarita . . . after what happened, you helped her through it all."

Sarita smiled at him, and he felt grateful for the family that had kept him and Tina going.

"That's what family does," she said, and he nodded in agreement.

"It's still very special, though. Thank you."


Back at home, Daniel knew it was best to wait until the problem was resolved to call Anna, but he did leave her another text and a song.

~ I miss you,Anna, that won't stop. I'll be here waiting if you change your mind. I'm still hoping you'll come around.

Love you always, Daniel xo.

Anna hitplay on the iTunes link, even though she knew it would break her in two.

Anna sat on the couch next to Ben and took off her headphones to cry softly.

"Just call him, Anna," Octavia huffed.

"I . . . .I just need a minute," she insisted as she got up to leave the room.

"What's wrong with mama?" Ben asked, with Sam sleeping on his lap.

"It's grown up stuff, buddy. She's going to be OK soon, I promise."

Ben looked unconvinced but continued to watch his cartoons.

"Is she sad cause Daniel is gone?" he added, not looking away from the show.

"Yes, honey. They have some things to work out," Octavia explained.

"Grown up love makes people sad," he answered, and she felt he knew more about the difficulties of grown-up love than any four-year-old should. Octavia prayed that he wouldn't always see grown-up love as a thing that only brought sadness.


"Did you have a good weekend?" Tina asked as they curled up on the couch with a pizza. "You look exhausted."

"Lots of goofing off with Uncle Harry, you know how it is," he smiled.