"Come on," Daniel urged. "I never got any revenge on the bitch who fucked me over, let me live vicariously through you . . . unless it's just a weak revenge story."

The last people in the basement walked up to where the real party was going on, and Daniel started to think they would finally get their wish.

"Weak?" Trent laughed. "Get this, buddy! I broke into the bitch's place when she left me; she was staying in some shitty little apartment with my kid. It was a fucking dump! Ben was asleep, so I just decided to scare her a little when she was getting out of the shower."

"What the hell did you do?" Harry pressed with feigned interest.

They had to keep him talking; they were so damn close.

"I shouldn't fucking say this," Trent sighed.

Daniel looked him in the eye then and said, "Keep going."

"She screamed when she saw me, and I dropped her on her ass in the hallway. I put my hands on her throat . . . just to scare her, but I was so fucking angry I must have squeezed too hard cause she passed out right there in the hall."

Trent laughed then, and Daniel used every ounce of his strength not to beat him to death. He had already decided that beating the shit out of him was not the way to keep Anna safe. Trent would call the cops; he'd be charged with assault, and Anna would still have to live in fear.

"Jesus! That's some fuckin' revenge!" Harry exclaimed.

"That isn't even the worst of it," Trent proceeded when he could see they weren't overly offended. "She was laying on the carpet with her towel falling off from the struggle, so I decided to give her one."

"You got to be kidding?" Daniel smirked to disguise his rage. "You mean to say you actually fucked a woman who was half choked to death?"

Daniel needed details. All that mattered was the evidence.

"Yep . . . and I left it so she'd know it happened when she came to, if you know what I mean," he laughed hysterically.

Daniel was ready to get out of there before it all fell apart, and he committed murder.

"You win, man. I'd never have the balls to pull something like that off," Daniel shook his head casually.

Having what he needed made him feel calmer then. He wasn't about to bloody his hands and risk screwing up his new plan.

"You may be better at pool, Daniel, but dealing with broads is my thing. That bitch hasn't seen the last of me yet."

"What you going to do next?" Daniel asked, throwing back a shot of whiskey from the table to steady his nerves.

"I already had a guy go down to this bumfuck town and intimidate her a little, but I'm going to go down myself now that I know where she lives and take my son back."

"Won't she call the cops on you?"

"She can't," he grinned. "Technically, she kidnapped him from me in the first place."

"Why not just have the authorities take him back?" Harry inquired.

"This is more fun," Trent smirked. "And the cops here are all in my back pocket anyway."

Daniel had enough in more ways than one and had to excuse himself to use the bathroom before they escaped.

In the elaborate bathroom with thundering noise still coming from above, he checked the app to be sure he'd caught everything. It was all there, crystal clear and damning as hell. Before the recording ended, though, he felt it was only fitting to clear up his involvement.

This is Daniel Goffman. Anything I said in this recording was a fabrication. I am not a misogynist, and I don't even have an ex-wife. I'm a widower. Everything I said on this recording was a ruse to get Trent Waters to reveal the truth about the crimes he has committed and is still planning to commit against Anna Stanton.

Daniel's hands shook, and all he could think of was Tina and Anna and Ben . . . he wanted this family, and he was ready to claim them.

When he left the bathroom, his phone was tucked safely in his inner coat pocket, and he told Harry they had to get going.

"Here," Trent said as they began heading up the stairs. "You guys are alright! Take my number and come party any weekend you want."