"Oh yeah? What kind of lesson was that?" Harry asked, not even looking him in the eye like he couldn't care less if he answered.

"I shouldn't talk about it here," Trent sneered. "You guys want to come back to my place, I'm going to have a real party going on over there."

Daniel looked at Harry apprehensively, but Harry agreed to it right away.

"Why the fuck not? I got to hear the rest of this story about your ex."

The game wrapped up, and Trent lost $50 to Daniel, but he seemed determined to win it back. He gave them the address, and Daniel couldn't believe how easy it had been to get closer and invited.

"It's these shitty tables. Come play on my table at home, and I'll mop the floor with you," he insisted.

Trent and his two buddies left first, and Daniel and Harry finished their drinks before leaving the bar. They needed some time to think and steel their nerves for the evening.

"This fucking sucks, Harry," Daniel groaned.

"He's going to spill everything, just hang in there and we'll get what we need," Harry insisted.

Daniel knew Harry was right, and they were well on their way to solving all of Anna's problems. However, it was still a scary and miserable experience just to be around Trent.

The night was still young, and Daniel dreaded how it could fall apart as they moved on with the plan as intended.


"What are we doing?" Daniel winced as he drove to Trent's house.

"We're getting this done. He's about to spill everything, no worries," Harry assured him.

"I need to get my shit together, but that guy makes me so fucking angry! Just the thought of his filthy hands on her-"

"I know, but you can't snap until you get real dirt on him. Try to get him to say his full name and then we need him to admit to some of the shit he pulled with Anna, especially the break and enter and rape."

"I can't imagine even hearing about that without killing him," Daniel grumbled. "I don't think I can just blackmail him. He's a danger to other women too, not just Anna."

"Then we'll take it to the cops and see what they can do, but we need to get it first," Harry reminded him.

Trent's house was in a ritzy area of Atlanta and far back from the main road. It looked like a house made entirely of glass with the most giant windows Harry or Daniel had ever seen. The driveway was packed with cars, and music was thumping through the walls. Daniel couldn't think of anywhere he wanted to be less, but this was what he needed to do for her.

"Just think, when you're done here you can walk up to her door like a knight with the beast's head on a platter," Harry winked.

Daniel sighed and followed him to the door.

They were let in by a woman in a black dress that left nothing to the imagination, and she asked if Trent had invited them.


"Cool, he's downstairs. Grab a drink from the bar," she smiled before walking away.

The house was crowded and loud, and Daniel could smell pot. A group of young women was snorting coke off a glass table in the living room, and he shuttered at how young they looked. Most looked younger than twenty-five, and he found it very sad.

Daniel and Harry procured a drink and went down to the massive basement/mancave where Trent was shooting pool on a vast and expensive pool table.

"Hey!" Trent shouted to them and waved them over. "This is the guy that just fucked me out of $50!"

Many of his dude-bro friends seemed intrigued. Daniel was instantly thrust into the spotlight, where he began to regret everything.

"You going to try and win it back?" Daniel grinned, and he became a different person at that moment. He needed answers, and he would get them if they killed him.

He handed his phone to Harry with a knowing look as the app continued to record every sound. He needed someone to ensure the phone wasn't stolen and that it could catch all the conversations, or else the whole gig would be pointless.