"What about you?" she asked.

"Even me. It took me a long time to feel like I wasn't cheating on her, even though she's gone, but I know she wouldn't want me to be lonely."

"Thanks for this," Tina smiled, holding the sweater and smelling it again.

"If you want to you can look through everything in that box, it's just some personal stuff of hers."


They talked for a while longer, and he carried the box to her room so she could check out Candace's poems, CDs, drawings, and nick-nacks he couldn't bear to let go of.

Daniel still felt sad that Tina didn't have her mother anymore. Seeing his daughter unhappy would never feel normal, but he felt more at peace with losing Candace now.

If she had lived, he would have loved Candace till the day he died, but it just wasn't to be. Now he had a chance at love again and could think of Candace without the same pain level.

His past was Candace, and his future was Anna, and the future looked bright.


Things continued to go smoothly for the rest of the week, and Daniel loved tasting what Harry and Ashley had. Watching them over the years had been challenging. Harry and Ashley were a match made in heaven. They never fought and weren't shy about showing physical affection. There had even been times that he found it hard to be around them back in the beginning.

Harry and Ashley came over one evening to hang out and let the girls play in the backyard, and he knew they could see how much happier he was already.

"Sarita says Tina really likes Anna and Ben," Ashley began.

"It's really something," Daniel smiled. "It's like our little families fit perfectly together. I never wanted to find someone just for me, I wanted someone for Tina too."

"You could end up with a step-son while you're at it too," Harry grinned.

"That kid is just the cutest," Daniel laughed, "and considering everything he's been through, he seems to like me OK. He deserves to have a proper dad."


"So she's nice, huh?" Sarita asked as Tina pushed her on the tire swing.

"I like her, and she's crazy about my dad."

"What about her kid?"

"Ben's fine, he's just a little guy. He follows me around and asks a hundred questions," Tina laughed.

"You said his dad is a criminal, though."

"That's what my dad said."

"It's good that Uncle Daniel has a girlfriend now, he looks happier."

"He is, he sings around the house again like he used to before my mom died. I forgot that he even did that," Tina laughed.

"I can't picture Uncle Daniel singing," Sarita grinned.

"It's hilarious, he sings love songs while he's cooking and screws up all the words."

The girls laughed silly as stars began to fill the sky and crickets chirped.


It was a warm and quiet evening, so Daniel wasn't expecting any trouble until he received a call out of the blue from Octavia.