He still chased after the boy, though, and Anna smiled at how good he was with children. She couldn't help thinking of them having one together.

"I hear you got an A+," Anna praised.

"Yep! I love math," she smiled.

"I never was very good at math, I just loved art and reading," Anna sighed.

They watched as Daniel growled and chased Ben around the grass with Sam on his heels.

"You have a great dad," Anna said, trying to start a deeper conversation with her.

"He's the best," Tina agreed. "I got really lucky when God was handing out dads. I don't know what I'd ever do without him."

"Thank you for sharing him with Ben and me," Anna said softly.

"I want him to be happy, and you make him happy."

"Not all girls your age would be this mature, Tina. You're special."

"Yeah?" Tina blushed.

"Very special."


When Tina was ready to move, she got down on all fours with Ben to try and teach the pup to roll over, sit, or stay with limited success.

Daniel sat next to Anna as the sun set and sighed at the scene before him. Tina was laughing and tickling Ben; he loved the sound of her laughing.

Anna took his hand and leaned on his shoulder; everything felt right.

Daniel played music on his phone, and the evening moved peacefully along.

"I love this song," Anna smiled as he played Jack Johnson on his iPhone.

He had sent her that particular song the night before.

"Me too . . . makes me think of you."

Daniel was habitually sending her songs, and she found them so romantic. She'd be in the middle of grocery shopping or laundry, and there would be a text with a sweet love song from Daniel via iTunes.

Anna listened to the song's words and had to say them. She had to tell him what was in her heart.



He looked at her then, and the sun was setting just over his right shoulder. He looked so handsome.

"I love you."

A smile grew across his face, and his eyes lit up.

"You do?"

"Yes, I know it's only been a little while, but I know how I feel about you."

"I love you too," he answered simply. "It probably sounds nuts but . . . I knew you were the one from the first night we met."