"As soon as I think she'll say yes, I will," he laughed.

Life was sweet and full of promise; Daniel couldn't wait to see what the next day would bring.


"No, Sam! No no no no! Shit!" Anna whined, scooping up the puppy and running to the door.

Her linoleum had been leaked upon regularly since Sam joined their family, and Ben laughed himself silly every time it happened.

"We need to get this pup out of the house for a bit," she groaned as she grabbed the paper towel and disinfectant.

"Can we take him to the park?" Ben asked. "Can Tina come?"

Anna checked the clock; 6 pm. Tina would be home from school, and Daniel would be home from work.

"I'll call them and see if they can come," she smiled.

Ben looked excited and ran out to the backyard to play with Sam.

"Hello?" Daniel answered on the first ring.

"Hey, how was your day?" she asked.

"Pretty good, Tina got an A+ on a test, so I'm going to take her for a root beer float."

"Oh, that's nice! Tell her congrats from me."

"I will. What are you up to?"

"I was actually wondering if you both wanted to meet us at the park to try and burn some energy off of this puppy."

"Just a sec."

She could hear Daniel asking Tina, and she loved that he didn't just drag her into things.

"She says sure," he answered. "We'll meet you there in half an hour after we stop by the A&W."

"Perfect. We'll meet you near the band shell."

A father who took his little girl for floats for good grades was enough to make her ovaries explode. Daniel was hot like fire and such a fantastic father that she still couldn't get her head around him being single after so many years.


Ben chased Sam in circles for the next twenty minutes at the park and played tug-of-war with a rope toy. Anna watched him with hope for a peaceful future; maybe all the misery was finally behind them.

Things with Daniel were going perfectly, and as the days passed, she was more and more sure that he was the one.

Daniel and Tina arrived soon after, and Tina had to sit at the picnic table to digest the large float.

"Ugh! I'm stuffed!" she giggled.

"Root beer floats are the best," Anna winked.

"Bet you can't catch me!" Ben hollered to Daniel.

Anna loved how quickly Ben had taken to him. Ben was looking for a father figure, and she couldn't think of a better one than Daniel.

"I bet I can't either," Daniel groaned. "I ain't the runner in the family, that's Tina."