"That's terrible."

"I got up to leave, and this other girl walked home with me cause I think she felt sorry for me, she's the one who kissed me."

"That's nice anyway."

"It was really nice. You should always be careful with your heart, honey, but love and crushes are a really good part of being alive."

They loaded up on BBQ food and went home to get everything started.

Daniel turned on the patio lanterns, lit some citronella candles, and waited for Anna and Ben.

When they arrived with a bottle of lemonade, a box of fireworks, and a brand-new puppy, Daniel couldn't help feeling like they would be a family sooner than later.

"His name is Sam!" Ben informed them all.

The German Shepherd pup was yipping and bouncing all over the yard, and Anna explained that she didn't have the heart to leave it home alone.

"We just picked him up at the shelter, and he whines if we leave the room," she laughed.

"Nice dog, Ben!" Daniel grinned. "You picked a good one!"

"Thanks! I'm going to teach him tricks!" the boy squealed.

The sunset and everything were peaceful and perfect.

Daniel chased the kids and Sam around the yard and made Ben laugh so hard that he got the hiccups. Anna discussed art with Tina and told her about a trip to Europe at university. Daniel saw his little girl getting inspired to see the world. However, he couldn't imagine her ever leaving him behind in Brooke way.

The kids ended up spending the end of the evening inside the house watching a movie, so Daniel took the chance to cuddle up to Anna in the backyard.

"You look so pretty, honey . . . "he whispered, moving his face into her neck to kiss her skin.

"Are you trying to get jumped?" she purred.

"Yes . . . I need you. When can I have you again?"

"Ben is at playschool now, from 8:45 - noon."

"I could go into work late . . . maybe I could stop by your place?" he continued, snaking his arm around her waist and licking her earlobe softly.

"You have to . . . I'm going to explode if I can't have you again soon."

Daniel grinned to himself and pulled her close.

"You're irresistible," he said softly, kissing her neck in the moonlight.

When Anna went home with Ben, Daniel spent time with Tina and was excited to hear that she and Ben were getting along fine. All of the pieces fit.

Tina went to bed to read, but he was excited to see that everything was the same. She was acting the same as always with him.

Daniel removed his clothes before crawling into bed and held Candace's wedding ring in the dark. He was saving the call for Tina; he hoped that one day he could give it to the man who asked to propose to her.

If the day did come that he proposed to Anna, he'd buy a brand-new ring just for her. He couldn't believe he was already thinking such a thing but remembered how wholly and quickly he'd fallen for Candace. Daniel was just the kind of man who knew his own heart, and his heart wanted Anna.


"Dad! Wake up!" Tina called from the kitchen, and Daniel could already smell coffee brewing.

"Sorry, babe, I'm getting' up!"