"You're making my sister very happy too . . . she deserves that after everything she's been through," Octavia sighed.

"I'm not going to hurt her at all; I want you to know that."

"I already know that, Daniel. I trust you."


Daniel picked up Tina after school and took her to the grocery store to pick up meat for the BBQ.



"How can I tell if a boy likes me?"


Daniel looked down at his daughter and frowned. Was this the boy talk already?

"I think Carmine might like me, but I can't tell."

"That boy in your class with the glasses?" Daniel asked.

"That's him."

"Do you like him?"

She fidgeted with the strap of her backpack and shrugged her shoulders, and he knew that look.

"You do," he smiled. "What's he acting like?"

"He stole my notebook from my desk and drew pictures of hearts in it and a picture of that singer I like . . . he's really good at drawing."

"Sounds to me like he does like you, honey."

"Can I ride bikes with him tomorrow?" she asked, not looking him in the eye.

"As long as you stay in the neighborhood and don't come back married," he chuckled.

"You're not mad?"

"No, honey. It's a nice thing when you have your first crush and I ain't about to ruin that for you. Do you have any questions?"

"How old were you when you kissed a girl for the first time?"

Daniel was walking slowly and dropping things into the cart with a smile; he was glad she could talk to him about this.

"It's a sad story," he laughed.

"Tell me."

Daniel was picking a watermelon mindlessly as he recalled the tale.

"I went to this boy/girl party when I was 12, and the girls decided to play spin the bottle. I liked a girl named Lauren, and I was so excited when the bottle landed on her the very first spin."

"So you got to kiss the girl you liked?" Tina smiled.

"Nope. She refused to go through with it, and I almost cried in front of all my friends."