"Hang on to her then," Harry chuckled.

"I ain't lettin' go for nothing, brother," he insisted.

Daniel went to work after dropping off Tina, and everything was right with the world. He and Tina had a whole new life ahead of them.


Anna walked to the playschool with Ben after deciding that he'd be happier spending the mornings with other children. She could get all of her work done in the morning, and he'd have some social interaction. He was a little ray of sunshine and loved being around other children. She felt safe in Brookeway and wanted to give him some freedom.

Ever since things went south with Trent, she hadn't let Ben out of her sight, but she didn't want him growing up afraid to live.

Ben went off to play with the other children so that Anna could speak privately with the teacher.

"I have a sensitive situation with Ben's father that I need to inform you of," she began.

"What's wrong, dear?" the older woman asked.

"His father is a dangerous person, and he is not allowed near us under any circumstances. I can't have anyone outside of the playschool knowing anything about Ben, no school lists, no pictures online . . . anything."

"Of course, we will do everything we can to keep him protected," the woman assured her, and she smiled as she looked over at him, already making friends. "Did you want to start him here today? You can pick him up at noon if you like."

"I'll check with him that he's comfortable to stay and if he is I'll come back for him right at noon . . . thank you for understanding."

"No problem, these things happen in life, dear."

Ben was excited to stay, so Anna walked back to her house to work while he was having fun, but it was hard to concentrate on her first morning without him. The minutes passed slowly, and she stared at her computer screen, trying not to think of Ben.

~ I will survive Ben going to playschool, right?

Daniel picked up his phone, set his coffee down, and grinned when he saw her name.

~ It's brutal, I know. I used to drive past Tina's school all the time. You'll be OK, I promise.

~ I miss you

~ I've been thinking of you all day:)

~ Can I see you later?

~ sure, did you and Ben want to come over for a BBQ?

~ a man who cooks! Sounds wonderful

~ come over any time you're ready

~ I can't stop thinking of yesterday;)

~ Me neither. You're incredible

~ see you later xo

~ I can't wait

He set his phone down and caught Octavia staring at him.

"You look happy," she grinned.

"Very happy, I can't stop smiling these days."