"Good?" he asked when she finished adjusting his collar.

"Perfect," she smiled. "You better really like her cause she's going to marry you."

"Stop," he laughed.

Anna arrived with Ben in a white sundress with tiny red flowers. Daniel eyed her bare shoulders, and the way the dress hugged her body and tried to maintain his composure, but his mind was deep in the gutter with just one look.

Daniel was eager to get going but reviewed several safety tips and instructions first.

"Keep the windows locked, and the doors. Do not answer the door or the phone-"

"What if you call?" she grinned.

"Shit! Yeah, answer the phone but don't tell anyone you're alone, OK?"

"I know, Dad."

"The fire extinguisher is in the hall and Ted is right next door."

"I know."

"And remember-"

"Dad, go out and have a good time. Me and Ben are going to be just fine."

He sighed and knew that he was being paranoid.

"Sorry, honey. I love you."

"Get going, and don't hurry back," she giggled.

Tina was excited to be trusted with babysitting for the first time. Anna's absolute faith in her made her feel like a massive kid.

"I know you're going to do a great job, Tina. Ben is so excited about this."

"Thank you, Anna," she blushed.

Anna made her feel funny, kind of shy, but in a friendly way. She was pretty and styled, but most of all, Tina loved how she looked at her dad. Anna always looked at her dad like he was some kind of movie star, and he deserved that. She knew her dad was self-conscious and never quite felt good enough, but she could see that Anna was already changing that in him.

"Where are you going for supper?" she asked as they gathered their things to leave.

"The Chimney. You have both our numbers, right?"

"Yes, Dad."

"Sorry, I know you got this."

"It's OK. You guys have fun," she smiled, nudging them toward the door.

Ben was already watching cartoons, and Tina had given him a bowl of goldfish crackers to munch. She wasn't concerned; Ben was an easy kid to care for, and she liked him already.


"This is kind of nerve racking," Daniel confessed when they got in the truck.

"It'll be fine, she has her course, and I was babysitting at her age."
