"Ben's dad?" she asked.

"Yes. The thing is, she had to leave Atlanta to get away from him so she could keep Ben safe and to stay hidden she used a different name."


"I know it sounds really out there . . . her name is actually Anna."

"When did she tell you this?" Tina asked.

"Only last night. She says she's sorry for getting involved with me when she had this in her past and that she'll understand if I need to end it."

"You dumped her?" Tina exclaimed.

"No . . . I couldn't do it."


"It's still a potential risk for us," he said. "I never want to take risks with you, honey."

He had to be completely honest with her; she'd always know if he wasn't. She needed to know the actual risks and everything up front.

"This guy doesn't know where she is?"

"No. She moved here to be close to her sister Octavia who works with me."

"Do you love her, Dad?"

He didn't know how to put it into words, so he fumbled through it as usual.

"I only just met her but I think I could love her in time. She really likes me, and it's been forever since I had that. I never thought a woman would ever like me again the way your mom did. I shouldn't really talk to you about this, should I?"

"We talk about everything," she argued.

"I wasn't looking to bring drama into our lives or anything."

"I know that. You need to keep seeing her, and when I get my babysitter's course, I'll babysit so you can take her out," she grinned. "Anna already asked if I'd be willing to look after Ben sometime."

"Already got a job then, hey?" he smiled.


"You're my #1 girl; you know that, right?"

"I know that," she smiled.


Daniel went to work for the afternoon and left Tina with Ted. He felt better about everything then. Harry and Tina wanted him to keep seeing Anna, and he was grateful for their support.

He worked for a few hours and then texted Anna on his coffee break to inform her of the good news.

~ Still want to see me?

~ yes:)

~ good, cause I talked to my family, and they're all on board with us doing this. I can't stop thinking about you

~ same here. I was thinking about you a lot last night in particular;)