He sat beside the boy blowing bubbles in his chocolate milk through a straw. He remembered that Tina used to do that.

"Ben, please, we have company."

"Sorry, mommy."

Daniel smiled down at him to let him know he didn't mind.

"My daughter used to do that too."

"How old is she?" Ben asked, looking interested in the idea of another child.

"She's older than you, buddy. She's 12, but she's a lot of fun."

"Oh," Ben shrugged.

"She plays soccer; I heard that you like that too."

"Soccer is the best!" Ben grinned.

Cassandra served BBQ chicken and potatoes with corn and biscuits, and Daniel tried hard not to drool.

"Good Lord! This is the best lookin' meal I've had in front of me in ages."

She grinned and served him a healthy portion of food, and he ate so much that the apple pie she served him after supper almost killed him.

"You made this yourself?" he asked, instantly recognizing the taste of homemade pie.

"Yep! Like it?"

"I'd fix up your whole house for food like this," he laughed.

Daniel insisted on helping out by drying the dishes after she washed them as Ben sat in the living room watching a movie after dinner.

"I really appreciate you wasting your Saturday here working," she smiled at him. "That electrical was freaking me out."

"I was really happy to do it. I would have just sat around missing Tina anyway."

"I guess I'll be seeing more of you until this job is completed," she added.

"Yeah, my daughter won't be back until five tomorrow so I could work tomorrow as well. I don't want you to be without your upstairs for longer than necessary."

"I could make you breakfast then," she grinned.

"I can't wait."

Daniel could feel the electricity between them, and the look in her eyes was like nothing he'd seen since Candace was alive. He felt like a man again, and part of him wanted to pick her up and carry her to bed. He hadn't wanted a woman this way the whole time he'd been single, and he just prayed that it would all work out.

He ended up leaving shortly after, but knowing he could see her in the morning was enough to sustain him in the long night alone. Daniel hoped that Tina would be proud of him when she got back. He hoped they'd all get along together; all the new hope felt great.


Cassandra watched him drive away and kicked herself for being unable to find the words. Daniel was everything she was looking for and the kind of person she never thought she'd find. The idea of unloading her misery onto such a good person who'd already been through so much just didn't feel right.

She wanted him so severely already and knew that she'd have to tell him everything, but she was terrified to chase him away.


Daniel was up with the sun and ready to go to Cassandra's place by 9 am. She was all over his mind since he met her, and he couldn't wait to see where it was going, if anywhere.