Page 37 of Wicked Temptation

“It means you and me still fit together, and in another few minutes, I would’ve had you creaming those silk panties you’re probably wearing.”

“Ugh, I see you’re still as cocky as ever.”

“What an interesting choice of words.” An annoying grin twisted his lips again, and she wanted to slap it right off his smug, beautiful face. “But that’s okay. I can wait. I’ve finally learned how to be patient.”

“You’re impossible.”

“Nah, I’m just spitting the truth, 'cause you know as well as I do if you were getting it good from whomever you’re engaged to, this never would’ve happened.”

“How dare you. There’s nothing wrong with my fiancé or our sex life.” Lisbeth backed away from the couch, not wanting to hear anything else he had to say and certainly not willing to discuss her intimate relationship.

“You can fight it all you want, but in the end, you know it, and I know it—there’s no way this ain’t happening.” Samson’s gaze fell to her bare ring finger. “Kinda strange you’re engaged, but you don’t wear a ring.”

“For your information, my ring is being resized, which has nothing to do with what happened here, especially since this will never happen again. You can be sure about that.”

“But can you?” The three words hung between them until there was a knock on his door, followed by a female voice.

“Samson?” A slim brunette entered the office and raked her eyes over them with a critical gaze. “Am I interrupting something?” Another question that went unanswered.

“Nah, just wrapping up a business meeting.” Samson pulled out of his slouched position, stood, and extended his hand to Lisbeth. “Looks like we have everything figured out, and as I said before, I think you’ll be a perfect fit—at Club Wicked.”

Lisbeth sucked in a steady breath, ignored his innuendo, forced her fakest smile, and shook Samson’s hand. “Yes, I’m thoroughly looking forward to doingbusinesswith you in the future.”

She smoothed her skirt with her hand, hoping its slight tremor wasn’t noticeable. She smiled at the brunette, turned around, and left.

It wasn’t until she pushed through the exterior door leading to the parking garage that she exhaled. Somehow she found her rental car, chirped the locks, and settled into the driver's seat.

Lisbeth gripped the steering wheel, drawing her eyes to her empty ring finger. What started as a simple business meeting ended in an out-of-control avalanche of emotions. If only she hadn’t tried to trick him. If only she’d been honest from the start about her upcoming nuptials. Warmth crept up her spine, and her heart thudded against her ribs.

“I’m not worried. I can wait.”

“Grrrr.” She slammed both palms against the steering wheel as his egotistical voice echoed through her brain. Mentioning her sex life, how dare he? She and Edward weren’t teenagers but responsible adults with hectic careers. So what if occasionally she was too tired or he wasn’t in the mood? Real life wasn’t some romance novel where everyone was jumping into bed every five seconds.

Then another more frightening thought popped into her head.

Maybe defending her sex life and lying, about being engaged had nothing to do with Edward and everything to do with Samson.


Lisbeth drove straight to her apartment, needing to sort through her feelings. She called Evelyn, informed her the Club Wicked account was pending and reminded her she’d be in LA with Edward for the rest of the weekend.

She changed her clothes and packed a bag for her early morning flight the next day. She wanted to be fresh and ready to spend the weekend with Edward, a much-needed reunion after three weeks apart.

She’d just opened her laptop to check the inventory in the LA warehouse when her phone buzzed with an unknown number. Usually, she swiped those calls away, but it had a Las Vegas exchange and could be one of the storage facilities she’d contacted earlier in the week.


“Hey, girl, how’re you doin’?” A female voice filled her ear with a thick southern accent.


“Sure is. Wanna talk to you about planning the party at Ecstasy.”

“Of course. Did you want to set up a time to meet so I can see the venue?”

“That ain’t necessary. It’s a strip club, plain and simple.” Madeline laughed at her words. “Seen one, seen them all, right?”

“True.” Lisbeth loved Madeline’s candor.