My lips curved upward. “You’re funnier than I realized when you were all neutral and grumpy, you know.”

“There’s a weight over my chest that feels lifted, now that you’re in my arms,” he admitted to me. “I always felt like I was missing something. The loneliness threatens to eat you alive, as a fae. That changed some, with the arrival of the human women, but these past few months have been a true awakening for all of us. I see now that all of my loneliness was meant to show me how lucky I am to hold you like this—and that in all of my waiting, my soul was looking for yours.”

“You didn’t know I was yours when you first smelled me, though,” I murmured.

“Probably because I strong-armed it into choosing you.”

I laughed softly. “Well, I’m glad anyway.”

“As am I.” He continued to stroke my back as he changed the subject. “What did your horses look like? You never explained them to me, and I struggle to think of an Earth animal that a person could ride.”

Oh, geez.

My mind drew a blank as I struggled to come up with something to compare them too.

“I’m going to need to draw them, I think,” I said.

He grabbed his poetry book, then, opening it up to a blank sheet for me. I wasn’t a great artist, but I sketched the outline of a horse for Ervo, and he nodded slowly when he saw it. All he said was, “Interesting.”

“Do you have animals like them here?” I asked him.

“Not quite.” He tugged the book from my hand and pulled me back into his arms a little too quickly, but I honestly didn’t think much of it. “Tell me the poem again,” he said, distracting me. “Our poem.”

His hands stroked my hair, and my body relaxed entirely as my eyes closed and I recited the poem I had changed when we mated.

“I’m yours

I whisper,

My breath on your face.

I’m yours,

I bellow,

My scent on your skin.

I’m yours,

I snarl,

Heart pounding in my chest

I’m yours,

I roar,

Forever and more.”

We fellasleep in each other’s arms soon after, and I decided in the moments before sleep stole me, that I hoped every day would end like this one.

And that if even a fraction of them did, I would be the happiest version of me that had ever or would ever exist.



“Where are we going?”Mare asked me, for the dozenth time since I’d woken her up before the sunrise and dragged her into the sky with me. She was flying beside me, though I had tried to convince her to ride on my back.