“Apparently we were both just miscommunicating.” I shrugged lightly. “Do you have a plan for how you’re going to deal with your sabertooth issue yet? You know I’ll help you carry it out.”

“Oh, there’s a plan. It’s just small right now.” She raised two fingers, with just a little gap between them.

A tiny bit of movement in the trees dragged my gaze up to one of them, and I studied it, looking for any sign of the basilisk from earlier. When I couldn’t see one, I brushed it off as my imagination.

Sunny looked up at the tree too, following my gaze. “What?”

“I thought I saw something. There was a basilisk in the trees, right next to you, when Teris… you know. He looked like he wanted to murder the sabertooth. I thought it might be the same guy.”

Sunny shrugged. “All of the fae are protective of us. If I wasn’t so damn obsessed with the bastard who keeps rejecting me, I would already have hooked up with one of them.”

“Lies,” Dots called, from a weird pretzel-like yoga position that I didn’t have a name for. “These are the lies you tell yourself. If you were really that into casual sex, you would’ve already dumped his ass ages ago.”

Sunny flipped Dots off, and she laughed before making a pained noise.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, concerned.

“I’m fine. There’s some pain in my chest and stomach that started when the mate bond broke—I’m assuming Nev already kissed Fovea or something. It’ll fade, hopefully.”

“We should never have agreed to those damn bonds,” Sunny muttered.

Dots slowly stretched into a new pose. “Stop lying to yourself, Sunny.”

“Just leave me to my lies, woman. I need them to survive until I get out of here long enough to move on.”

Dots’s new pose was even more complex than the last one. I’d never seen her do yoga in the Stronghold, but it wasn’t really surprising that she was into it. “Getting out of here doesnotsound safe.”

“I’m a massive snake, and snakes are creepy as hell. I’ll be fine.”

“More lies,” Dots sang.

Sunny tossed a pebble at Dots’s ass. “Lies keep some of us sane.” She looked at me. “Tell us about your sexathon last night before Dots destroys the lies keeping me from losing my mind, Mare.”

I laughed. “How did you know it was a sexathon?”

“The trees are full of fae, and fae talk. Especially when it has to do with sex.”

She wasn’t wrong, though it made me blush really damn hard to know that someone had heard us.

“The sex was great,” I admitted.

Both women stared at me.

They wanted more details, so I kept talking. Not about the sex, but just… him.

“He loves me, and I know I’m safe with him. I know that even if I piss him off, he’s still going to be there. Either to drag me back to his house and cook for me, or to distract me, or to kill someone, as dark as that is. I thought we wouldn’t really be friends until we knew everything about each other, but that’s just not how it went.”

“Oh, to be in love,” Sunny said with a sigh. “I might be willing to kill for that.”

“I think that’s the first semi-true statement you’ve shared,” Dots remarked.

Sunny tossed another tiny rock at her ass, making her grin. “I just want someone who puts me first, you know? Like, if I want to kiss him and the world’s not in the process of ending, he should drop what he’s doing for two damn minutes and kiss me. Is that too much to ask?”

“No, it’s not,” I said. “And I think you deserve that, and more.”

“I know. I just thought for a while that Teris might be falling for me.”

I hesitated.