He walked beside me, his steps much quieter than my own. Soon, I’d need to shift back and start moving faster. But… it was nice to have legs again, honestly.

“I offended you,” Remmo said, as we walked.

“You’re judging me,” I grumbled.

“I’m not. I haven’t been in your exact situation.”

“And how do you know myexactsituation?” I looked over at him, slightly suspicious.

“There’s gossip.”


He was definitely right about the gossip.

I huffed. “Fae bastards.”

He made a noise of agreement.

“What do they say about me?”

“You’re in love with Teris. When you asked him to mate with you, he walked away without a word. The distance between you grows larger by the day.”

“Well, they’re right.” I heaved a sigh. “I’m not in love with him, but everything else… yeah.”

“Why would you mate with him if you feel no love?”

“I don’t really think I can love anyone at this point,” I said bluntly. “And honestly, after what happened with North and Clevv, I’m not going to feel safe until I’ve banged myself into a secure relationship with someone who will protect me. I might not love Teris, but I trust him to keep me safe. Or at least I did. Now, he’s just hurt me too many times.”

Remmo was silent for a few minutes as we walked together. He smelledreallygood. Like… suspiciously good. Stupidly good. Like I wanted to grab him and lick his face to see if he tasted as good as he smelled.

Which Iobviouslywasn’t going to do.


He finally said, “The sabertooth will be able to track you, as long as you’re connected. The barest hint of your scent will sing for him.”

“It didn’t work that way when we were captured by the fae chicks,” I pointed out.

Although, Terishadbeen able to track me when Clevv’s hounds took me…

“The female fae used leaves to erase your scents,” he said simply.

I didn’t really trust him.

But I wasn’t willing to risk him being right, either.

So I stopped walking.

He stopped too.

Kissing him would be a mistake, most definitely. I didn’t know the guy, at all.

But… I was still considering it.

Just a little.

“What kind of fae are you?” I asked him.