“No, you’re helping me drag Teris’s ass to his house,” Lian corrected his mate. “I’m not leaving you alone until the damned female fae have proven that they’re not going to try to abduct you or our baby again.

She made a face, but nodded.

“And North needs to sleep,” Priel said, grabbing her hand.

“Are the nightmares back?” I asked her.

She shook her head. “I haven’t had a single one, through any of this female fae stuff. But the women aren’t evil—they’re just different. I’m sure more issues will arise, but we’ll figure them out. Having Nev connected to Fovea will make it easier. He’s one of the only fae I know who actually thinks before he acts.”

Priel snorted. “Thanks, Gorgeous.”

“I resent that statement,” Lian drawled.

January grinned. “Get some sleep. And some not-sleep.” She winked. “And Mare, don’t forget to find some of the birth-control fruit if you don’t want to end up like me. Congrats, you two.”

My face heated.

As Priel dragged North away, she reached into his pocket and pulled out a small fruit I had never seen before. She tossed it toward me, and I caught it right before it hit me in the face.

…if her coordination was anything like mine, it was probably a good thing she hadn’t had to fight Fovea.

“They taste like ice cream if you stick them in the fridge,” she called out. “And it works for men and women both. I’m happy for you guys!”

“Thank you!” I called back.

“You’re going to eat that, right?” Ervo murmured to me.

The slight alarm on his face was enough to make me grin. “Yes, I am. I’m not ready for a baby. We have a lot more to learn about each other before we get there.”

“Agreed.” He peeled the fruit for me as we walked, handing me pieces of the strange thing and eating some of it himself too. It had a weird texture and taste, but in a good way. I could definitely see what North was saying about it tasting like ice cream when it was cold.

We had to ask around to figure out where Sunny and Dots were, but eventually found them on the outskirts of the fae land, near a large tent that I was fairly certain housed Aev, the Tame King.


The women were doing yoga,of all things, when we found them.

Dots seemed pretty good at it, but Sunny’s downward dog could’ve seen much better days.

“How are you doing?” I asked Sunny, as Ervo murmured to me that he was going to find me something to eat—and asked me to wait there for him.

I knew he was giving us as much privacy as his possessive, overprotective self could manage.

“We are so zen,” Sunny hollered, still in her attempt at downward dog. “So damn zen.”

My lips curved upward. “Convincing.”

She lifted one hand off the blanket they were using as a yoga mat and flipped me off.

I grinned back as she finally collapsed onto the blanket, and let out a sigh. “Really, I’m fine. I’ve been in denial for a while, but I’ll move on. I think the tiny mate bond has been making me more into him than I really am.”


That was quite the theory, but I didn’t know if it was true.

Or possible.

“At least our party planning was successful for you.” She forced a smile onto her face. “You got the guy.”