So, we stayed up late talking about our pasts instead. Ervo explained that he had experienced a tremendous amount of boredom throughout his life, but that he loved cooking and reading, and enjoyed training. He told me stories of adventures he’d gone on with his brothers, but there was an undercurrent of sadness below each of them.

His life had felt pointless before he met me, he admitted. And that was a huge part of the reason that he had become sort of obsessed with me.

Luckily for him, I loved that obsession.

The next fewweeks passed quickly, exhaustingly, and similarly.

We trained all day, spending some time practicing magic, too. And though we were learning at a decent pace, there was alotto learn.

In the evening, Ervo and I talked about nothing, everything, and poetry. We always talked about poetry. He’d recite poems he’d memorized to me—and I’d recite ones I’d memorized for him.

And then he’d make good on his vow not to let me go a day without climaxing.


And again.

And again.

It was absolutely blissful.


The nightbefore North’s fight, Ervo and I laughed together about a story he told me of him and the rest of the Wild Hunt getting lost in a cave and having to use their magic to tunnel out. It took multiple days, led to multiple fights and injuries, and the men still complained to each other about it every now and then.

When our laughter faded, he rolled me to my back.

His lips captured mine as he leaned over me, his body pressing into mine as we kissed, and kissed, and kissed.

I would never get over the way he kissed me.

The way his mouth made love to mine, as if there was nothing else he’d rather be doing.

And it hit me that I didn’t just want to use our tongues, and hands, and lips anymore.

I wantedhim.

And we’d waited long enough.

He went up on his hands and knees, sliding down until his head was between my thighs—but I stopped him.

“No.” I grabbed his face. “I always think too much, about everything. I think, and I hide, and I ignore, until it’s too late to make the decision I knew I wanted to make from the damn beginning. I don’t want to live that way anymore. I’m tired of hiding and waiting. This is what I want.Youare what I want. The next poem you write in that book will be one about how Iamyours.”

Those embers in his eyes seemed to ignite, to burn. “Is that so?”


“And if you wake up in the morning with regret, what am I to do?” His rough, calloused thumb dragged over my nipple, making me shudder. “If you look at another male and wish you had taken his cock instead?”

I scowled at him, sitting up and smacking a palm against his shoulder. It made a loud slapping noise, and I immediately felt bad. His eyes only burned hotter, though.

More excited.

My blood pumped faster, too.

“Then you pin me to this damn treehouse and fuck me until I remember that I’m yours,” I shot back. “But none of that shit is going to happen. I haven’t really looked at another guy since the first time you kissed me in the Stronghold, and—”

His lips captured mine, his hands sliding to my ass as he lifted me higher, pulling me closer and ripping my tank top over my head.