Ervo had written it. He had to have written it. The book smelled of him, the handwriting was just as neutral and perfect as I would’ve expected his.

And the words…

Hadn’t he already showed me he felt that way? When he had grabbed the back of my neck and told me I was flying with him? When we’d been captured, and he had allowed a hellhound to fly on his back with me, because the alternative was to let Clevv or one of the others carry me?

When he had removed the head from the body of the man who had hurt me?

I flipped to the next page.

A pounding heart

A fractured mind

Nearly lost, nearly broken

For she’s not yet mine

A soft smile

And the gentlest touch

Not for me, not yet,

Though I ache so much.

My cold and brutal

Her warm and kind

Not in my arms,

But always in my mind.

I fear for the future,

I fear for my life

If I can’t hold her soon,

Make her my mate,

And my wife.


Holy shit.

My body trembled.

I had thought of the phoenix as too calm.

Too emotionless.

Too cold, and cruel, and brutal.

But he felt things just as strongly as I did.

No; he felt them even stronger than I did, if the poetry was anything to go by.