A sweet, genuine smile.

I hoped I’d see more of those in the near future, because his smile was gorgeous.

“I’ll hold you to that.” He pulled me closer, wrapping his free arm around my waist.

“You never told me what the book is,” I reminded him, shaking it in the small space between our chests.

“Just bring it with us,” he murmured, grabbing me a crossbody bag to hold it in before he caught my lips in his.

The kiss he gave me was soft enough to make my body swell with happiness. I had the same feeling again—the feeling that he wasn’t kissing me just to talk me into having sex with him, but that he just likedkissing me.

When he wasn’t driving me crazy, the man was perfect.

Hell, maybe he was perfect even when hewasdriving me crazy.

We kissed until we were both breathing fast, and then Ervo pulled me onto his back and launched us into the sky.

The sun was goingdown when we reached the new Stronghold.

There were no female fae standing outside, guarding the place, anymore. The building had grown overnight, though—it was at least three times as big as it had been. And the women had to be inside, I assumed. Why else would they expand it?

I saw a flash of golden hair in one of the windows as a woman walked past it, and wondered how they felt, leaving their beautiful tropical island and colorful tents to move into a cold stone building.

It had to be difficult, I thought.

There were a few male fae in the trees and sky around the Stronghold, but I didn’t think they were guarding the women, or trying to protect themselves from them. Just watching them.

Probably to make sure the leaders didn’t sneak off to gather more of that poisonous fruit that knocked people out.

One of the men in a tree waved to me and Ervo, and I waved back.

The angry rumble from the phoenix beneath me made me roll my eyes a little—but smile a little too.

We flew further, until we were near the back of the land the men had claimed. I’d seen Priel and Lian through the trees, not too far away. And where those guys were, North and January would be too.

Ervo landed smoothly, pulling me into his arms. “You’re mine, female,” he warned.

“You never said I wasn’t allowed to wave at people,” I countered.

“I need to make a damn list,” he grumbled. “Crashing into men. Waving at them. Smiling at them.”

A snort escaped me. “You’re ridiculous.”

“If that word also means sexy and possessive in your language, then yes, I am.”

I laughed. “If that’s what you want to tell yourself, then sure.”

His lips curved upward just the tiniest bit as he tugged me closer, lowering his mouth to brush against mine.

My fingers wrapped around the back of his neck as he kissed me, gently at first and then more fiercely, more intimately.

It didn’t pass my notice that he’d done it as soon as we landed. The bastard was claiming me, in front of however many fae were around us.

If I had to guess, it was a lot of them.

Ervo wasn’t really the kind of guy to make a small statement, after all. Cutting heads off dramatically instead of just slitting throats or stabbing chests made that pretty clear.

As long as it didn’t include murder, I didn’t mind his tendency toward dramatics. With the murder… I understood him and his culture enough to know why he’d done it. And not to hold it against him, even if the memories of it still made me nauseous.