I didn’t really know what to think.

Deciding just to continue along with the plan I had originally crafted, I told Ervo I was going to the bathroom and climbed back up the spiral staircase that led back into the living area of the treehouse. I did use the bathroom—and then I headed to the kitchen, and started cooking. It was about time to eat, again anyway.

Less than two minutes after I’d started the food, Ervo was already storming into the room. His body gleamed with sweat, and hot damn, he looked good.

“What are you doing?” he asked me in a low, growly voice. His hands landed on my hips, his front pressing to my back.

“Cooking for you. I might not be as good as you, since I’m still trying to learn all of the ingredients, but I can make damn good Vevol-style beans and rice.” I flashed him a smile.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “It’smyjob to cook foryou.”

I turned around to face him, feeling an argument coming on.

“Mates are partners. In my world, that implies that they both do things for each other,” I countered. “And sharing duties includes the cooking. I should be allowed to cook for you.”

“In my world, a male’s duty is to care for his female’s every need,” Ervo growled back.

“In your mind, maybe, but not in your world. Have you seen the other partially-mated couples?” I tossed a hand in the direction everyone else was, though they were a long way away. “Most of the men basically ignore their women when they’re not following them around or feeding them, and the women ignore the men too. If you and I work out, we’ll only be the third successful, happy couple on this whole damnplanet.”

“Ifwe work out?” His voice grew dangerously low.

“Yes,if. I still don’t know you, and you don’t know me.”

“I know you.” His answer was too quick, too angry.

“What’s my favorite color?” I asked.

He blinked.

“What do I do when I’m stressed?” I pressed.

His expression darkened.

“What am I the most afraid of?”

Ervo stepped back, away from me.

I waited to see if he was going to say anything.

When he didn’t, I added, “I don’t just want a mate, you know. I want a friend. Someone who will become my family, my world. And I know even less about you than you know about me. Honestly, the only things Idoknow about you is that you’ll protect me with your life, you’re an extremely skilled fighter, and apparently that you like to read.”

His jaw clenched tightly.

I waited.

The smell of something burning caught in my nose, and I spun back to the stove, grabbing the spoon and stirring the food rapidly.

When I glanced over my shoulder a few seconds later, Ervo was gone.

I forcedmyself to remain calm and not to let my heart ache too much as I finished cooking. Ervo had left, but his mind worked differently than mine. He might not see it as abandoning me in the middle of a conversation, or refusing to discuss something I found seriously important.

His plate sat on the counter while I ate, leaning up against the cabinets.

The sound of beating wings caught my attention, and I stepped out onto the balcony with my plate, glancing up at the sky.

My forehead wrinkled when I noticed Ervo flying long, slow circles above me, like a vulture watching its prey.

He made no move to fly back to me, so I just strode back into his house and returned to my food.